Harry Deane Quotes in Gambit (2012)


Harry Deane Quotes:

  • Lionel Shahbandar: And where are you staying?

    PJ Puznowski: Er, well of them big hotels downtown. I can't remember the name of it. You remember, Harry?

    Harry Deane: Connaught.

    PJ Puznowski: Me neither.

  • Harry Deane: I see the painting. A reproduction though, Sir, in my opinion.

    Lionel Shahbandar: Bloody hell, based on what?

    Harry Deane: Based on the fact that it's hanging on a wall of a caravan, Sir. In Texas.

  • The Major: Perhaps, sir, since out little caper is far from over, perhaps we should consider removing the cartilage.

    Harry Deane: Don't be an ass, man. I'm hardly likely to be hit in the face a third time.

    The Major: Uh, that *was* the third time, sir.

    Harry Deane: This isn't a math class!

  • [last lines]

    The Major: Fancy trying your hand at Picasso?

    Harry Deane: Do you think we'd find a use for it?

    The Major: Seems Donald Trump is obsessed with the fellow.

    Harry Deane: And there's many a billionaire in Texas.

    The Major: Mr. Deane.

    Harry Deane: Oh, yes, Major, the opportunities are endless.

  • Harry Deane: Best to let the fish work the hook in himself, eh, Major?

    The Major: Much the best, Mr. Deane.

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