Hanif Quotes in Son of the Pink Panther (1993)


Hanif Quotes:

  • [first lines]

    Hans Zarba: [watching a recorded surveillance video of Princess Yasmin practicing her martial arts] She's good.

    Hanif: Good, huh?

    Yussa: Yes, she's good.

    Hanif: As good as you?

    Yussa: Maybe.

    Hanif: Better.

    [Hanif laughs; Yussa reverse-kicks him]

    Hanif: [Hans lifts Yussa by the throat] She was only showing how good she is.

    Hans Zarba: I know how... good she is... or she wouldn't be with us.

    [Hans slowly lowers Yussa to the floor]

    Hans Zarba: Now, there's to be no fighting amongst us, understood?

    [Hans cradles Yussa's face in his hands, she nods]

  • Hans Zarba: [Hanif knocks on Hans's door] Yes?

    Hanif: [Hanif opens the door, bringing Jacques Gambrelli with him, unaware that the doctor is really Jacques Gambrelli] The doctor.

    Hans Zarba: Ah, finallly. Come in, doctor.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Yes, good evening.

    Hans Zarba: Good evening.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Good evening. Well, what seems to be the trouble? Ah, you have received the blemish in your arm, huh?

    Hans Zarba: Yes, I believe it may require some stitches. What do you think?

    [Hans unwinds the bandage around his arm]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli gasps] Oh, heh heh. Oh yes, I think... you need something... to keep you from fainting. Yes, you must take deep breaths like this.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli breathes heavily] You see, then you don't faint, but deep, very, very deep.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli faints, hitting Hans's bed and then the floor; Hans throws a book at Gambrelli to revive him] What happened?

    Hans Zarba: You hyperventilated.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: I did? Where?

    Hans Zarba: You fainted.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Oh, yes, I know that, yes.

    [Gambrelli opens a medical bag]

    Hans Zarba: Well, are you going to stitch up my arm or not?

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli puts a stethoscope on] Of course, of course, I am going to stitch up your - Phew! - up your...

    [Gambrelli sniffs a bottle of alcohol]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: But first, I must check if you are... physically fit.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli puts a head mirror on his forehead; Hans points a gun at Gambrelli, who backs away] Fit as a fiddle. Very good.

    [Gambrelli drinks from the alcohol bottle]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli wheezes deeply] And now... now I must check your reflex.

    [Gambrelli taps Hans's knee with a rubber doctor's mallet; Hans kicks Gambrelli into a chair]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Flex as a fiddle... Very good.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Now... now...

    [Gambrelli drinks from the bottle of alcohol]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Aah... aah... Ohh, ohh...

    [Gambrelli puts his head into his medical bag]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: Ah, there - oh.

    [in a muffled voice]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: There is a spare in here somewhere.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Gambrelli pulls out a vial] Uh-huh, ah, this is very good. You know what this is? My dentist uses this. He pulled my wi - wisdom tooth, and I didn't even feel it, ha ha.

    Hans Zarba: Novocaine.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: No, no, no, no... This - His name is Fishburn... Dr. Marvin Fishburn, yes? I highly recommend him. If you are in need of - ooh!

    [Gambrelli accidentally sticks himself in the cheek with the novocaine shot, and talks irreuglarly]

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: I seem... to have stabbed myself in the cheek, yes? Now, before I can stitch up your arm, I must inject it. Hold still, hold - hold still. Hold still... Yes, aha, very good. Ah, ha ha, good. Now... okay, it's... it's... now, it's getting... very late, and I think... oh, I get back... in the hospital, in surgery. I am due in surgery, huh? Bye-bye.

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Hans aims for Gambrelli, hitting the doorway] On... on second thought, I am in no condition... to operate. Is better if I stay here, huh, with you?

    Gendarme Jacques Gambrelli: [Hanif enters the room] If you need me, I am here... with you. I am here. Now just relax, if you need me...

    [Gambrelli passes out]

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