Haman, the Amelekite Quotes in One Night with the King (2006)


Haman, the Amelekite Quotes:

  • Queen Esther: Let my life be given me, at my petition and my people at my request

    King Xerxes: You demand me your life, and that of your people? My dear girl,I know not of your people, you have yet to tell me who they are.

    Queen Esther: Have we been nearly sold as slaves? I would have held my tounge, This... This Haman wanted our blood, my blood, the blood of Jacob, your Jacob. Your Jacob was given a new name, Israel. As do was I.

    King Xerxes: You... Esther, a Jew?

    Queen Esther: Not Esther, my lord, Hadassah Batabihan ,Daughter of the tribe of Benjamen, Child of the most high God.

    Haman, the Amelekite: Never have I heard I heard a more pathetic story in my entire life.

  • Haman, the Amelekite: Pieces are falling into place, ones we have spoken of. One by one.

    Haman's Wife: [chidding] Soothsaying does not become you, Haman.

    Haman, the Amelekite: Oh my darling, I speak of the truth, not of stars. My burden I would not wish on any man! But the blood of my forefather will be avenged! The god will smile down on our sons for our obedience.

    Haman's Wife: Are you mad? 'This' is you plan?

  • Queen Esther: [after being told of the King's intentions] And who is this honored man?

    Haman, the Amelekite: A scribe. A Jewish scribe, who claims to have saved the King's life.

    Queen Esther: I should think you would be honored by such a privilege given by the King.

    Haman, the Amelekite: [seething] Honored? Prestige of Persian is at stake. What will it be said of your husband, the king that he commanded his highest prince to lead a Jew through the streets? A Jew, my lady!

    Queen Esther: And how is a Jew any different than you or I?

    Haman, the Amelekite: They are our enemy! They must be destroyed.

    Queen Esther: They may your enemy, but not mine.

    Haman, the Amelekite: The way you defend them, one might almost think...

    Queen Esther: [challenging] One might think what, my prince?

    Haman, the Amelekite: One might think that is all, my lady. One might think.

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