Grumpy Bear Quotes in The Care Bears Movie (1985)


Grumpy Bear Quotes:

  • Grumpy Bear: Well, whaddya know? The Rainbow Rescue Beam worked!

    Goodluck Bear: See? We just needed a little luck.

    Grumpy Bear: Looks like we're going to need more than that.

  • Grumpy Bear: Baby Hugs! Baby Tugs! What have you done?

    Birthday Bear: It's obvious, Grumpy Bear. They got the Rainbow Rescue Beam working.

    Grumpy Bear: But we still don't know if it'll transport anyone.

    Share Bear: Look!

    [a rainbow beam shoots down on the machine, and Friend Bear, Secret Bear, Kim and Jason appear]

    Cheer Bear: Oh my stars! You brought visitors! What are they doing here?

    Friend Bear: We didn't bring them. They just came along. Someone brought us here.

    Grumpy Bear: I knew it! Baby bear mischief!

  • Goodluck Bear: Any luck fixing the Rainbow Rescue Beam?

    Grumpy Bear: I think I've used up all my good luck getting this far.

    Goodluck Bear: Maybe your luck's run out, but not mine.

  • Grumpy Bear: I need a piece that looks like this.

    Goodluck Bear: Try that. It's Baby Hugs' lollypop.

    Grumpy Bear: Perfect! You know, baby Hugs and Tugs are going to make fine Care Bears one of these days.

  • Grumpy Bear: How come I'm always the one fixing things around here?

    Share Bear: Because you never complain, Grumpy Bear.

  • Grumpy Bear: This little star got itself stuck in the gears.

    Share Bear: Now, that's what I call star-stuck, Grumpy Bear.

  • Grumpy Bear: I just need a little more time.

    Goodluck Bear: That's the one thing we don't have! The Caring Meter's dropped to three! In no time, it'll fall to zero, and that's the end of Care-A-Lot!

  • Tender Heart Bear: Quick! Run for cover! It's coming! Brace yourselves!

    Friend Bear: What's coming?

    [a huge cloud quake happens]

    Kim: Everyone okay? Cheer Bear?

    Cheer Bear: I think so.

    Grumpy Bear: Too bad we can't say the same for Care-A-Lot. Look.

    Kim: Oh no!

    Friend Bear: Everything's broken! Faded! Ruined!

  • Harmony Bear: This is going to be a wonderful party, Tender Heart.

    Tender Heart Bear: You said it, Harmony Bear. Noble Heart and True Heart will really be surprised.

    Grumpy Bear: Not if they get back before we're finished setting it up.

    Tender Heart Bear: We have plenty of time to spare, Grumpy Bear. Actually, everything's ready now.

    Grumpy Bear: That's because I've been doing double duty.

  • Cheer Bear: You can call Cheer Bear anytime you're sad. I'll put you in the pink and make you feel real glad!

    Grumpy Bear: My name's Grumpy Bear, I'm always feeling blue. That's not one thing, it's another. Ooh, what am I gonna do?

  • Grumpy Bear: [rapping] Now, hold your tishie-tags, it's time I spoke. / Can't remember when I ate last! / I've been starving since we started, and that's no joke. / Man, I was fading fast!

    Tenderheart Bear: But Grumpy...

    Grumpy Bear: [rapping] Now, don't you dare say nothing, just leave me alone / with my tummy and my yummy treats / where I'm filling up my belly with ice cream and jelly / and I'm topping it with pickled beats!

    Brave Heart Lion: Pickled beats?

    Grumpy Bear: [rapping] Uh-huh! / Topping it with pickled beats! Oh, yeah! / Topping it with pickled beats!

    Cheshire Cat: Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

    Grumpy Bear: Oh, what now?

    Cheshire Cat: [rapping] Yo, Grumpy Bear, I gotta hand it to you. / You're talking like my main man! / I love your ton, and it's been fun / working with the Care Bear clan! / You helped Alice, and the princess, and the Queen of Hearts, / and you did right for my man, Stan! / You put the wizard in his place, and now everything's safe. / Everything in Wonderland. / I stopped by to see you cats and bears / and say thanks to you for me. / But I'll say see ya 'round after I chow down / with the Care Bear family. / Have a spread with the Care Bear family. / A few munchies with the Care Bear family. / Uh-huh! I am so hungry. I can't wait to eat with the Care Bear family. That's right. The Care Bear family. Uh-huh.

    Brave Heart Lion: Pickled beats? Ohh...

  • Good Luck Bear: If I were you, I'd choose path number 1, but if you were me, you'd choose path number 2.

    Brave Heart Lion: Alright! Path number 2!

    Good Luck Bear: Hold it. You're not me, and I'm not you.

    Brave Heart Lion: Path number 1?

    Good Luck Bear: Precisely. After you, my dear Brave Heart.

    Brave Heart Lion: Let's go!

    Swift Heart Rabbit: The Mad Hatter's hat will get us there yet?

    Grumpy Bear: Or drive us crazy on the way.

  • Brave Heart Lion: I have a feeling the Jabberwalkie is some kind of giant.

    Grumpy Bear: And what makes you say that?

    Brave Heart Lion: I sometimes get these hunches.

  • Grumpy Bear: Brave Heart?

    Brave Heart Lion: Not now, Grumpy. Can't your stomach keep quiet?

    Grumpy Bear: But Brave Heart, I think your giant hunch is right.

    Brave Heart Lion: You do? How come?

    Grumpy Bear: Because that's not my stomach!

  • Grumpy Bear: [flies past the princess] Pleased to meet you, I'll be right back!

  • Grumpy Bear: [half-awake, sees the White Rabbit in the mirror] Boy, do I look rough this morning.

  • Grumpy Bear: Who are you, and what do you want?

    White Rabbit: I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!

    Grumpy Bear: Come back here, Mr. Late!

  • White Rabbit: Now that the Wizard knows that we're coming, he'll stop at nothing to stop us from stopping him from becoming king!

    Grumpy Bear: In other words?

    White Rabbit: Alice is in deep trouble!

  • Stan: That feels wonderful! Thank you so very much.

    Grumpy Bear: Oh, you're very welcome, Mr. Jabberwalkie.

    Stan: Call me Stan. It's much easier to say.

  • Grumpy Bear: Wow. This place is beautiful.

    Swift Heart Rabbit: This place is wonderful.

    White Rabbit: This place is Wonderland.

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