Grandsanta Quotes in Arthur Christmas (2011)


Grandsanta Quotes:

  • Grandsanta: You were right, Arthur! It doesn't matter how Santa's gift gets there! It doesn't matter if it is Mr Postman in his Spaceship!

    Arthur: Just as long as it gets there!

    Grandsanta: You made it happen, Lad! No-one got left out!

  • Arthur: [In Cayo Confites, Cuba, Arthur picks up Gwen's letter that almost got burnt because Bryony accidentally put it in a fire at the beach and realizes the picture is of Santa] This Picture, This Drawing! It isn't of Dad, or You, or Steve! This is Santa! Ha-Ha! And as long as we can get the bike to Gwen before dawn, then Santa CAME! AND HE CARES! Ha-Ha!

    Arthur: [the Reindeer picks up the Slipper, Arthur picks up the bike and starts singing and dancing] Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to reach Gwen Hines on Christmas Day, Wha-Hey!

    [the Boat on the island has been taken away by Arthur and he has written a message in the sand where it used to sit saying "SORRY I BORROWED THIS]

    Arthur: [the next scene where Arthur is rowing Grandsanta & Bryony across the Atlantic Ocean, 3000 miles to Trelew, England] Jingle Bells! This Boat Smells! Three Thousand miles to go!

    Grandsanta: [Arthur, Grandsanta & Bryony are in the middle of the Atlantic] I've seen this before! Sleigh fever they call it! The Pressure of Christmas sends a man doo-lellied-tap! Santa Claus XVI of 1802! Every child that year got a sausage nailed to a piece of bark!

    Bryony: [Arthur labours to row the boat across the ocean, he makes the boat jerk and soaks Bryony & Grandsanta with the oars] Arthur! Do you really think you can row the Atlantic Ocean in the next

    Bryony: [Calculates the time on her HO-HO] Thirty-seven minutes?

    Arthur: [Continues labouring to row across the Atlantic Ocean] It's not too late yet! We just have to keep going!

    Grandsanta: We need a blunt Instrument, knock him out and then regroup

    Bryony: [Bryony's HO-HO claims that they are going round in circles] You do know that we are going round in circles?

    Grandsanta: Do you know? We are not the only ones! Maybe I will see Evie again!

    Arthur: What do you mean?

    Grandsanta: Reindeer are brave, powerful beasts, but they are also dappled creatures with twigs on their heads! They will just keep going in straight lines right around the world. They will be way up in the sky, flying at unimaginable speeds, but they'll pass right over our heads!

    Arthur: Great! We CAN get the sleigh back!

  • Arthur: [Using the flashlights on his Christmas slippers to read the letter from Gwen after discovering that the missed present was the bike for Gwen Hines] It just can't be, It can't be, just can't be, it j-j-j-just CAN'T BE!

    Grandsanta: [Overhearing the commotion] What is all this fuss about, Young man?

    Arthur: Grandsanta, It is this little girl, She has been missed!

    Grandsanta: Ha-Ha! So much for your brother's fancy-pants technology!

    Arthur: Back there, Steven's dad but that's impossible!

    Grandsanta: Is it now? Missed a child? Dear, Oh Dear, it sends shivers up and down my shin

    Arthur: In two hours, she is going to wake up, tear downstairs, search under the tree and... The look on her face! When she finds that there is nothing there, she won't understand! She will think that she is the only one kid in the whole world that Santa does not care about! She will feel so left out!

    [Fixes the picture in his room and switches on the fairy lights in his room]

    Arthur: On Christmas night, HE COMES! Gwen cannot fail to have a present from Santa!

    Grandsanta: Do you know Arthur? There IS a way!

    Arthur: It's impossible!

    Grandsanta: They used to say that it was impossible to teach women to read! Follow me!

  • Grandsanta: [At the tractor dealership in Idaho, Arthur is trying to remove a golden reindeer from the 'Leaping Deer Autos' sign] Bash it with a brick, Arthur! Go on!

    Arthur: [Struggling to remove the reindeer on top of the roof] It just won't...

    Bryony: It may just be a wrapping operative, sir, but this contravenes specific mission regulations!

    Grandsanta: I'm in charge here, not Billy the Bureaucratic!

    Arthur: [Almost removing the reindeer] It's Stuck!

    Grandsanta: [to Bryony] Elf! Wrap your head!

    Grandsanta: [to Arthur] Come on, Lad, you're as much use as a cheese chopstick!

    Arthur: Got it! Oh NO!


    Grandsanta: Oh my big old Betty, It will have to do, Pass it down!

    Bryony: [whimpering] There isn't enough room to breathe! I've got nine seconds left before I black out!

    Grandsanta: One Breath

    Bryony: [Seeing the lights in the tractor dealership owner's house switch on] Sir!

    Grandsanta: [to Bryony] Just One Breath!

    [to Arthur]

    Grandsanta: Hurry Up Arthur!

    Arthur: But don't we need a whole one to balance the sleigh!

    Grandsanta: Oh it won't balance the sleigh! If anything it will only slow us down

    Arthur: So why are we taking it?

    Grandsanta: It's for Gwen! Eight beautiful reindeer! That is what she is dreaming of, The Jingly bells, the sleigh on the roof...

    Grandsanta: [to Bryony] What now?

    Bryony: [She whimpers through the wrapping and opens it] We have a waker, Sir!

  • Arthur: [the sleigh is flying across Toronto, it traverses across a curved building and people inside see it] They can see us!

    Grandsanta: Well, pull the camouflage lever!

    Grandsanta: [Arthur pulls the wrong lever and the sleigh transforms into something that looks like a steam locomotive] Not that one, that's a steam train!

  • Arthur: Why are we taking this reindeer? It isn't a real one! It's a fake!

    Grandsanta: It is for Gwen! Eight beautiful reindeer! Isn't that what she is dreaming of? The jingly bells, The Sleigh on the roof! Not some kind of spaceship! We are supposed to be giving her the star treatment!

    [to Bryony]

    Grandsanta: What is the matter now?

    Bryony: [the owner of Leaping Dear Autos investigates what is going on] We have a waker, Sir!

  • Grandsanta: [Arthur, Grandsanta & Bryony have just left Idaho with the fake reindeer attached to the sleigh, they are halfway across the Atlantic Ocean] Christmas 1923, I had a heart attack at the reigns. Left ventricle popped out my mouth, pushed it back down and carried on.

    Arthur: [looks over the ledge of the sleigh and sees nothing but water all around] Big isn't it? The Atlantic! Do you think we should stop and ask someone?

    Grandsanta: Fishy nibbles, come on, we are nearly there!

    [points to a slow moving streak of light]

    Grandsanta: You see, I take the north star, there, a fixed point, and I plot my bearings...

    Bryony: That's a plane, Sir!

    Grandsanta: It's a Co-ordination, Elf, I'll have you harpooned!

    Arthur: [looks down and sees something that looks like an island disappearing under rising sea levels] I thought it would be chillier here in England?

    Grandsanta: Globular Warming.

    [Sees land ahead and starts heading for it]

    Grandsanta: Hah! There it is! Told you!

    Arthur: [They land in Tanzania, Africa] Wow! England?

    [a huge beetle crawls over Arthur]

    Arthur: Yyaaarrggh!

    Grandsanta: Maybe we pullled to the right a bit since we're a reindeer short. France! Bonjour! Ou est la Boulangerie?

    Arthur: [Hears an Elephant] They have elephants in France?

    Grandsanta: The odd stray, they breed in the drains. Come this way, everyone!

    [They look around and realize they landed up in some animal sanctuary]

    Grandsanta: Paris zoo?

    Bryony: [Lions get agitated and start roaring] This must be where they keep the lions!

    [Lions and other animals start marching towards everyone]

  • Bryony: [Arthur, Grandsanta & Bryony have come down from the atmosphere and are gliding towards England] They're waiting for us! We were on the News!

    Grandsanta: Older technology against my 'Evie'

    Arthur: I know what! Let's do it with worry!

    Grandsanta: Santa mustn't be seen, hey lads! Let's give them military soldiers something to shoot at!

    [Grandsanta reaches out and presses a bright red button and the sleigh transforms into a flying saucer look-alike]

    Grandsanta: [the people at the military base gasp in awe, the sleigh has transformed into a flying saucer and has an alien symbol on it] Take us to your leader!

  • Grandsanta: The Santas always come through Canada. Nobody lives here. It's nice and quiet.

  • Arthur: This is where they keep the lions!

    Grandsanta: They won't eat me. I'm Santa!

  • Grandsanta: [cowering in the bottom of the sleigh] It's that terrible night all over again.

    Arthur: What night?

    Grandsanta: Last time I took Evie for a spin. I didn't know it was the Cuban missile crisis! I nearly started World War III.

  • Grandsanta: It's Christmas!

    Arthur: Christmas is for kids. You grow out of it.

    Bryony: What, in the last six minutes?

  • Arthur: I've got a phobia of being beheaded - and heights, and speed, and reindeer, and buttons.

    Grandsanta: Buttons?

    Arthur: Yeah, I'm pretty much scared of everything.

  • Grandsanta: At least have the decency to finish us off with a rock!

  • Arthur: [Opening a Christmas cracker, having Christmas dinner with the family round at the dinner table at the North Pole's Residential Quarters] What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?... Tinselitis!

    [laughs hysterically]

    Arthur: Isn't this the best bit of Christmas?

    Mrs. Santa: It certainly is, Arthur! The whole family together!

    Mrs. Santa: [to Santa] How about a toast, Malcolm?

    Santa: Oh... mmm... , Well, here's to me, to an even better job next year!

    [Everybody cheers]

    Arthur: You're already the perfect dad!

    Grandsanta: Hah! That turkey did more than him!

    [Starts laughing and looses his false teeth, they land in gravy]

    Santa: You wouldn't understand, Father! I've rather moved things on since your day, Hey Steve?

    Grandsanta: [Gets his false teeth back and continues eating his meal] Forget Techno Tommy, he's texting on his calculator after every job


    Steve: [Clearing out his inbox on his HO-HO] It's a Hand-held Operational and Homing Organizer, The HO-HO 3000!

    Grandsanta: Whooooh! Whoopy-doo! Aren't you the Fancy Nancy! Doesn't matter what you come up with, Son, you maybe be the next in line, but you'll never get to be Santa unless you 'Knock Him Off'

    Arthur: Hummm! I've got you all a present! After all the hard work, I wanted everyone to have some 'Christmas Fun'

    Arthur: [Shows everyone the Game, 'Christmas, The Board Game] Ta-Daah!

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