Godfrey of Ibelin Quotes in Kingdom of Heaven (2005)


Godfrey of Ibelin Quotes:

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: [cuffs Balian with the back of his hand] And that's so you remember it.

    Hospitaller: Arise a knight and Baron of Ibelin.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: You are not what you were born, but what you have within yourself to be.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle.

  • Balian of Ibelin: What could a king ask of a man like me?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience. A kingdom of heaven.

  • Hospitaller: Are you sorry for all your sins?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: [looking at Balian, his illegitimate son] For all but one.

  • Hospitaller: [while tending to Godfrey's wounds] When shall we stop this madness?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: It will soon be beyond my concern.

    [Guy de Lusignan and his knights walk over to the campsite]

    Guy de Lusignan: [pointing at Balian] Who is this?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: My son.

    Guy de Lusignan: Would I had fought you when you were still capable of making bastards.

    [he laughs]

    Godfrey of Ibelin: I knew your mother when she was making hers. Fortunately, you're too old to be one of mine.

    Guy de Lusignan: [Guy laughs again] All will be settled.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: Do you know what lies in the Holy Land? A new world. A man who, in France, had not a house, is, in the Holy Land, the master of a city. He who was the master of a city begs in the gutter. There, at the end of the world, you are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be.

    Balian of Ibelin: I have to find forgiveness. That's all I know.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: Whatever your position, you are of my house, and that means you will serve the King of Jerusalem.

    Balian of Ibelin: What could a king ask of a man like me?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscience. A kingdom of heaven. There is peace between Christian and Muslim. We live together, or between Saladin and the king, we try. Did you think that lay at the end of a Crusade?

    [Balian shakes his head]

    Godfrey of Ibelin: It does. My son, you are all that survives me. Do not disappoint me.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: It was not that they had no right to take you, it was the way they asked.

    Balian of Ibelin: They had the right to take me.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: So do I.

  • Hospitaller: The blacksmith is the man you seek. His name is Balian. But know that he mourns. The burial that we passed at the crossroads was for his wife. Their child died. She was overcome by grief and killed herself.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: Do you still advise what you advised upon the road?

    Hospitaller: I do, my lord.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: [Balian catches up with Godfrey's group after killing the village priest] If you've come to kill me... even these days, it is not easy. Well?

    Balian of Ibelin: I have done... murder.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: Haven't we all.

    Balian of Ibelin: Is it true that in Jerusalem I can erase my sins... and those of my wife? Is it true?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: We can find out together.

  • Hospitaller: [Approaching the village where Balian lives] You know this place, my lord?

    Godfrey of Ibelin: Know it? I know all of it.

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: [Director's Cut, before caving in his nephew's skull] Thank my brother for his love!

  • Son of Roger de Cormier: I am the son of Roger de...

    Godfrey of Ibelin: Take your helmet off while addressing me.

    Son of Roger de Cormier: [the knight takes off his helmet and clears his throat] I am the son of Roger de Cormier.

    [Godfrey stares at him]

    Son of Roger de Cormier: I am accorded the privilege of ransom.

    Godfrey of Ibelin: This is true.

    [he walks away while the English sergeant drives a pickaxe through the knight's skull]

  • Godfrey of Ibelin: Get me some more wine.

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