Gillian Bromley Quotes in Rough Cut (1980)


Gillian Bromley Quotes:

  • Gillian Bromley: [Rhodes has been coming on to her, trying to impress her with a Cary Grant impersonation] You can't be serious!

    Jack Rhodes: [Still doing "Cary Grant" impersonation] Why, I've never been more serious in my life.

    Gillian Bromley: Why are you imitating Tony Curtis?

    Jack Rhodes: [Normal voice] I'm not imitating Tony Curtis, I'm imitating Cary Grant.

    Gillian Bromley: You're doing Tony Curtis doing Cary Grant...

    Jack Rhodes: [Deflated] Oh...

    Gillian Bromley: Cary Grant doesn't even do "Cary Grant" any more.

  • Gillian Bromley: It doesn't trouble you that blackmail is, in fact, against the law?

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: Policemen are constantly breaking the law. It's one of the many ways we have of upholding it.

  • Gillian Bromley: I have absolutely NO intention of passing on the date of that shipment.

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: Well, let me put it another way. Do the names Halliday, Hornfield, Kinnersley and Drampton mean anything to you?

    Gillian Bromley: Uh, no, I don't follow you.

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: They're all women's prisons. Oh, there's a fairly large selection of them available in this country. But I think I should point out, they DO have one thing in common: they are ALL poisonously unpleasant.

    Gillian Bromley: [Wavering somewhat] I'll manage, somehow... Others have.

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: Yes... Well, let me draw a persuasive little picture for you. Where you will be going, they have the oddest notions of hospitality. First, they shave your head. Then, they delouse you, feed you with something a ravenous crocodile would pass up, then, lock you up for the night with unfriendly lesbian companions - and you have your own "private" little chamber pot under the bed. Oh, it is very unpleasant, I know. That's why I urge you to reflect whether you shouldn't save yourself all that misery, by passing on the date to Mr. Rhodes... Well, take your time. Reflect well.

    Gillian Bromley: [after giving it a mere moment of thought] I've taken my time and I've reflected well.

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: And?

    Gillian Bromley: I've decided to save myself all that misery - I'll pass on the date.

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: Splendid.

    Gillian Bromley: When is it?

    Chief Insp. Cyril Willis: You'll get it in a day or two. Run along, now.

    Gillian Bromley: [Stops at the door on her way out] Oh, Inspector, I thought I might send you a little present: a kitten. They're ever such a lot of fun if you strangle them right.

  • Gillian Bromley: [She and Rhodes have disguised themselves as Arabs, and have just cleared airport Customs inspection. Rhodes did his best to sound like an "Arab."] That was the worst Peter Sellers I have ever heard.

    Jack Rhodes: I wasn't doing Peter Sellers - I was doing Peter Sellers doing Omar Sharif!

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