Georgia Quotes in Super Fly (1972)


Georgia Quotes:

  • Georgia: Look maybe you should get out now now before something really bad happens. I could be happy with a plain life, a poor one if only you were.

    Youngblood Priest: Look what would I do? With my record I can't even work civil service or join the damn army. If I quit now, then I took all this chance for nothing and I go back to being nothing. Working some jive job for chump change day after day. Well if that's all I'm supposed to do then they gonna have to kill me 'cause that ain't enough.

  • Georgia: [Sitting naked in a bathtub with Priest] Hey, listen, Priest, I know how you feel sometimes when you come in here. I can feel from you what its like out there. I see what it does to you. And I know, I know how dope helps when we ain't together. I don't want your privacy baby. All I want to do is help you share the weight. Please, let me in. I just can't be somebody else you gotta deal with. I love you. Oh, f*ck you!

    [She starts to hit Priest, he stops her and they begin to make love]

    Georgia: Oh, Priest! Oh, Priest! Oh! Oh! Oh, Priest! Oh, Priest! Oh!

  • Georgia: What'll you do when you get out?

    Youngblood Priest: I don't know. Not so much what we do - it's havin' a choice. Bein' able to decide what it is I want. Not just to be forced into a thing, 'cause that's the way it is. I'll buy me some time, baby. Time that isn't all f*cked up with things we gotta do. Just to be free.

    Georgia: Will that make you happy?

    Youngblood Priest: I don't know. I don't know. I just know, I can't be happy the way it is now.

  • [Georgia appears with a small, frozen deer]

    Georgia: What d'you reckon? Think we could eat this?

    Stobrod: You cook something long enough you can eat anything.

    Pangle: It's frozen. How long it been there for?

    Stobrod: You hungry?

    Pangle: Yeah.

    Stobrod: Not very long.

  • Georgia: Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo-coo-cachoo.

  • Georgia: Black music's the deepest 'cause they suffered the most. Them and the Jews.

  • Georgia: You cut your hair...

    Lilly: It was getting in the way of my drinking.

  • Rachel: You don't look evil.

    Georgia: Make-up helps.

  • Lilly: Oh, come on. There was a time you'd have dragged me by my hair out of here for drinking.

    Georgia: I'm too old. So's your hair.

  • Lilly: I brought you a gift

    Georgia: It's lovely.

    Lilly: How do you know?

    Georgia: The ribbon and the paper.

  • Rachel: Try and jerk me around, Grandma.

    Georgia: Go fuck yourself.

  • Georgia: For a smart girl, you do stupid well.

  • Georgia: That's my granddaughter.

    Ethan: Do we have to like her?

    Sam: How old is she?

    Georgia: No. And don't even think about it.

  • Georgia: [sitting on floor] Come on, boys. Erect me.

    Ethan: She has glutten pains shooting out her eyeballs.

  • Georgia: It's a glass... bedpan?

    Lilly: Crystal bowl. It's classy.

  • Georgia: Traveled all the way from San Francisco, Califonia smelling of smoke, but she doesn't smoke.

    Lilly: Ok, mother, caught me.

    Georgia: Save the lies for something more important than cancer.

  • Lilly: When Dad was dying, nearly dead, did you ever miss a meal? Eat late? Eat early?

    Georgia: No, same time. Alone. I could turn the radio on.

    Lilly: You're a minute late. Enjoy your meal. I'm gonna wait for Rachel.

    Georgia: Life is much less of a surprise when it's all timed down.

  • Arnold: How many lies have I told?

    Georgia: Oh, please. You're a lawyer!

  • Georgia: [hitting Arnold with a baseball bat] You're going to eat this


    Georgia: and drive or else I'm going to dismantle your car.

  • Georgia: [after getting into a fight with Lilly on the lawn and she loses her bra] You lost your...

    [holds her bra out]

    Lilly: My mind?

    Georgia: I'll go get the booze, you stay here.

  • Georgia: [to Arnold] If Lilly didn't love you, I would kill you.

  • Harvey Greenfield: Now look, I can give you a dozen explanations, but you might as well know the real one: I'm a member of the CIA.

    Georgia: The CIA? I thought you were a television actor?

    Harvey Greenfield: That's my cover. So if you ever see me in public with another girl you must pretend not to know me, or it could put my life in great danger.

  • Georgia: If you work for the CIA, how come you hang around with dentists?

    Harvey Greenfield: He's installing a miniature radio transmitor in my wisdom tooth.

  • Georgia: [walking with Poupi as the tour shops for souvenirs] Standing in the middle of culture and history and they want a fifty-fifity poly/cotton blend T-shirt with a picture of a Trojan horse. Why am I spending my life showing tourists gorgeous ancient ruins they care nothing about? And Pangloss Tours pays lousy. They book the worst hotel rooms. I don't have any friends here. I actually don't know anybody. Really, I haven't had sex in forever.

    Poupi Kakas: Forever is a long time.

    Georgia: Yeah.


    Georgia: You speak English?

    Poupi Kakas: [smiling] Yes.

  • Irv: I have a question.

    Georgia: Yeah.

    Irv: [referring to Dr. Tullen, who is covered head-to-toe] What's with the beekeeper?

    Mr. Tullen: My wife needs protection from the sun!

    Irv: But we're not going to the sun.

  • Irv: You know, I was a much nicer guy when my wife was alive. She died three years ago. She used to say to me, 'They don't know you're kidding, Irv.' She would say, 'You're not as funny as you think you are.' Just like you.

    Georgia: It's nice you had had a good marriage.

    Irv: [chuckling] We fought everyday. I took her to Egypt. We fought all day about whether the pyramids were majestic or 'magnificent. It was magic. Twenty-eight years. I woke up every day smiling.

    Georgia: [wistful] I could live with that.

  • Georgia: [on the bus, to her group] I'd like to apologize for my unprofessional attitude this morning. Have you ever had one of those days? Actually, it's been about a year.

    [as he raises his hand]

    Georgia: Yes, Irv.

    Irv: Me too! I would like to apologize to everybody. It was my medication. I take Preparation H, 'cause I'm an asshole.

  • Irv: You know how you like to get up in front of everybody and bore us?

    Georgia: [dryly] Please go on.

    Irv: I have a very exciting idea. Why don't you try entertaining everybody?

    Georgia: Irv, how am I gonna do that?

    Irv: History has got a lot of dirty stories. Sex sells.

  • Georgia: [as he's holding her] So I just wanted to tell you... You're such a nice guy. And I'm... Okay, look. This can't happen.

    Poupi Kakas: But it must. You said you haven't made love in forever.

    Georgia: Yeah, when I thought you didn't speak English. You know what? I've decided I'm leaving Greece, because this whole moving here was an experiment to be brave and spontaneous, and... Okay. You know, this whole impulsive and crazy and you know, jump into a thing, thing?

    Poupi Kakas: Georgia?

    Georgia: Yeah?

    Poupi Kakas: Your butt is too small.

    Georgia: [as she turns to kiss him] Oh, that did it.

  • Georgia: [as they pack the bus] Poupi, do you know if a close beach?

    Poupi Kakas: [smiling] Of course.

    Georgia: And do you have any 16-year-old handsome nephews?

    Poupi Kakas: Of course.

    Georgia: Good. Will you call him for me.

    [starts walking away]

    Poupi Kakas: Hey, wait.

    [stopping her]

    Georgia: Yes.

    Poupi Kakas: Why?

    Georgia: [coyly] I like to keep my options open.

  • Georgia: Why does Nico always get the good group?

    Maria: His evaluations don't say: Average.

  • Maria: By the way, Spiros eloped with that girl with no foot.

    Georgia: [going through the mail] Excellent!

    Georgia: Why?

    Georgia: I'm being sarcastic.

    Maria: You're not funny. Stop trying.

    Georgia: Who's my new driver? Not Themio.

    Maria: He's in jail. You got the substitute. Procopi.

    Georgia: The creepy, hairy, creepy guy?

    [behind her, Procopi sips his coffee]

    Georgia: He's right behind me, isn't he?

  • Georgia: [to Procopi] So I have rules. You cannot speed, you cannot smoke and you cannot eat while driving...

    [when he just looks at her]

    Georgia: Great. You don't speak english.

  • Georgia: Australians are the nicest people, but you can only understand about half of what they say.

  • Kim: [talking loud] Excuse me. Is this Pangloss Tours?

    Georgia: Group B?

    Big Al: Sweet marble cake! She speaks American.

  • Georgia: [to three elderly women as they join the tour] Group B? Yes. Names.

    [they just hold up their cards]

    Georgia: You don't speak English, do you? And Maria gave you to me.

  • Georgia: Kalimera, everyone. Kalimera. That's Greek for: Good Morning.

  • Georgia: I'm not just a tour guide. I am a professor of Classical History.

  • Georgia: You must think I'm crazy.

    Poupi Kakas: Yes.

    Georgia: Fair enough. Why would not tell me?

    Poupi Kakas: I thought you needed to talk. I have three sisters, so talk.

    Georgia: Do you ever question what you're doing with your life?

    Poupi Kakas: No.

    Georgia: What?

    Poupi Kakas: Talk more about the no sex.

    Georgia: I'm good. Thanks.

    Poupi Kakas: You don't question? Come on. Greece is the land of philosophers.

    Georgia: Yes, but that is their job.

    Poupi Kakas: My job is to drive the bus. You know it pays better.

    Georgia: Come on. You don't have a life plan?

    Poupi Kakas: How do you plan life?

    Georgia: What?

    Poupi Kakas: Come on, we'll get some coffee and you can talk.

    Georgia: What? We're working.

    Poupi Kakas: Everyone should take the time for a coffee.

    Georgia: That is the typical Greek mentality.

  • Georgia: I have kefi. I have lots of kefi!

  • Georgia: [on the phone to her boss] Greece has the most beautiful accommodation. Like: first-class hotels with, like your own swimming pool in your room. How do you find these crappy joints?

    Maria: [on the phone, painting her nails] Lucky I find somewhere. Yeah, you try finding a hotel on the budget.

  • Irv: [as the group gathers outside of the church] You know, my wife and I have taken tours for 20 years. This one gotta be the worst.

    Georgia: Here we go again. Yeah, yeah, I know, yeah, I stink, I wrecked Greece.

    Irv: [sadly as he walks past her] It's the worst because my wife is not here. And it's just not the same.

    Georgia: Well, you know what? If I were her, I wouldn't be here with you either. I'm sure she's spending her vacation somewhere...

    [stops as his face turns down, mortified as she realizes what he meant]

    Georgia: I'm so sorry.

  • Poupi Kakas: What was his name?

    Georgia: Who?

    Poupi Kakas: it's over, some women cut their hair. Some women run away to Greece. So...

    Georgia: I did not move to Greece because of some man. Why? Who'd you shave for?

  • Georgia: What is it with tourists and ice cream? They had some this morning, then again after lunch. And now again with the $4 cones. I don't get it.

  • Georgia: [walking around the ruins] I know every fact and every figure about this place. I mean, I love it here. And they just want to have fun. And I get it, but I don't know how to make this job fun.

    Irv: Well if you call it a job, it ain't fun. I mean, look at porn stars. They get to 'schtup' all day. They should be happy. You never hear about a happy porn star.

  • Irv: Don't you have a boyfriend?

    Georgia: I'm on a tour bus like six days a week.

    Irv: Well, you gotta get in touch with your wild thing.

  • Georgia: [furiously at Nico] Hey! Don't diss my group! They're nice people.

  • Georgia: Sorry about your bus.

    Poupi Kakas: You distracted me. I could have killed you. All of us.

    Georgia: I was just trying to have fun.

  • Georgia: Where did you learn English?

    Poupi Kakas: I rode my motorcycle across England.

    Georgia: Of course.

  • Georgia: Hey, listen. It's not a big deal but my name is not Angie or Angie.

    Big Al: Yeah, we know. It's Georgia.

    Georgia: So why do you call me Angie?

    Big Al: Look at you. You look just like Angelina Jolie.

    Kim: You know that actress that adopts everybody. We love her.

    Big Al: You must get that all the time.

    Georgia: I do, yes.

  • Dorcas: [hands her a jewelry box] Georgie, I got these for you.

    Georgia: Dorcas, you shouldn't do this.

    Dorcas: It's alright. I got the receipt.

    Georgia: [surprised] Good for you.

    Dorcas: Well, it's a start.

  • Georgia: I love you like the Pilgrim loves the Holy Land, like the wayfarer loves his wayward ways, like the immigrant that I am loves America, and the blind man the memory of his sighted days.

  • Georgia: Do you know what we've never done?

    Danilo: A lot of things.

    Georgia: You got it, kiddo!

  • Georgia: Why does everything take so long?

  • Georgia: Shouldn't you be at work?

    Danilo: I called in sick.

    Georgia: Then you should call a doctor.

    Danilo: I'm fine.

    Georgia: Then you should be at work.

  • Georgia: I'm so tired of being young.

  • Beagle: So what's wrong with you anyway?

    Georgia: I have Frederick's Ataxia. It's a neuromuscular disease.

    Beagle: Is that why you talk kind of like you're drunk?

    Georgia: I do?

    Beagle: I mean, um, you, it, just slurred a little...

    Georgia: No, I get it all the time

    Beagle: I just didn't know. I didn't know anything about it. I didn't mean to offend you

    Georgia: No, you didn't. It's a genetic disorder of some kind.

    Beagle: Are you gonna get better?

    Georgia: No, this is pretty much as good as it's gonna get until my heart gives out. I don't know when that's going to be.

  • Easy: I don't think they're teaching manners anymore at the schools.

    Marg: I guess not.

    Easy: So how's business?

    Marg: Pretty slow. What are you doing here Easy?

    Easy: Getting rid of stuff we don't need anymore.

    Marg: Georgia, you must know Mr. Kimbrough, he's the butcher.

    Georgia: I'm a vegetarian.

    Easy: We like that.

    Marg: This is my granddaughter, Georgia.

    Easy: Granddaughter indeed. And the hoverer, my son Dwight and with his permission you can call him Beagle.

  • Georgia: Nice to meet you.

    Beagle: Yeah, um, I've seen you around. You go to my school.

    Georgia: You go to Lincoln?

    Beagle: No, no I work there in the cafeteria. I make your lunch.

    Georgia: If you want to call it lunch.

    Beagle: Yeah, well, school food gets a bad rep I guess.

  • Judd: You hear that Georgia?

    Georgia: That's awesome Mom.

    Violet: that's awesome mom It is isn't it? Oh baby just think, someday your images are going to be hanging up next to Sally Man

    Georgia: They're your images.

    Violet: Oh no. God gave me such a beautiful daughter and I want to show the world how special you are.

    Georgia: Mom, do I have to do this today? I just really don't feel like it.

    Violet: Why not?

    Georgia: I love your photos, it's not that.

  • Violet: You know what, you are not going anywhere without your wheelchair.

    Georgia: Mom, I don't need it yet.

    Violet: Georgia, you are covered in bruises.

    Georgia: I know that! I'm the one that's dying remember, it's not you.

    Violet: What did you say?

    Georgia: I just don't need you reminding me all the time.

  • Marg: What are you thinking about my angel?

    Georgia: Sex.

    Marg: Whoa.

    Georgia: It's supposed to be this huge deal right?

    Marg: Uh huh.

    Georgia: But is it really?

    Marg: It can be really beautiful. And it can be very not beautiful.

    Georgia: How old were you when you... when you first... when you lost it.

    Marg: Georgia, where is this going? I mean, I was seventeen... sixteen... ok, I was fifteen. It was in an alley behind my parents house in upper St. Clair with a boy named Johnny Usiff. He was Russian. Very handsome. I was drunk so I don't remember a whole lot about it. In case you're getting any ideas I suggest you wipe them from your mind. Sugar, we don't have such great luck in this family.

  • Stephanie: Hey gorgeous. Alright, so what are we going to do today, trim the ends, keep the length?

    Georgia: I want something radical. Sexy.

    Stephanie: Well I can do radical sexy. What's the special occasion?

    Georgia: I have a date.

    Stephanie: You have a date? Sweetie that is so great! Is he cute?

    Georgia: Yeah. He's interesting.

    Stephanie: Interesting. Is it love?

    Georgia: I'm not really looking to fall in love right now.

    Stephanie: Why not? There's nothing like your first love. Trust me.

    Georgia: I just want to see what it's like.

    Stephanie: What are we talking about here?

    Georgia: I gonna lose it.

    Stephanie: You wanna lose... it.

    Stephanie: Honey,that uh, thats, that is something serious, you know. I mean you only get one chance at your first time. It should be with someone you're crazy in love with you know 'cause you're gonna remember it the rest of your life. You should wait.

    Georgia: I don't really have a lot of time to wait.

  • Beagle: So I guess I'll see you at lunch.

    Georgia: Yeah.

    Beagle: Anything special you want?

    Georgia: Yeah. You.

  • Georgia: Come back tomorrow.

    Beagle: Yeah?

    Georgia: Yeah. We can go somewhere.

    Beagle: I'll see you tomorrow.

  • Marg: Hello rock star.

    Georgia: You like it?

    Marg: Your mama's gonna kill me.

  • Georgia: Let me sleep on the sofa. I love sleeping on the sofa. Beds are too big when you're alone.

  • Georgia: Say it like it's on the Merv Griffin show dummy!

  • Bartender: What's the problem?

    Georgia: Do you see cigarettes? That's the problem.

    Bartender: How much money did you put in?

    Georgia: Twelve dollar like it says.

  • Georgia: Ya hadda look gorgeous today, right?

  • Jimmy: I saw him last week at Joe Allen's. He look thin, drawn tired...

    Georgia: You're lying!

    Jimmy: Alright he looked gorgeous. Who cares? the man can't write his name. I've got to go.

    Georgia: Was he alone?

    Jimmy: He was at a big table I don't know who was with who.

    Georgia: she was that pretty, huh?

    Jimmy: What am I, a police reporter? She was a female Caucasian that's the best I can do. I've got to pick up that script, I'll call you later.

    Georgia: I love you. Why don't we smarten up and marry each other?

    Jimmy: Because you're an alcoholic and I'm gay. We'd have trouble getting our kids into a good school.

  • Georgia: What is that crap you're putting on your face?

    Toby: It is from Vienna. It is ninety dollars a tube, do you notice you never see a pore on my face.

    Georgia: I've never even seen your face. Who are you, anyway?

    Toby: [looking at Jimmy]

    Georgia: Who is she? Do you know who she is?

    Toby: They take it away form you soon enough. Hold onto it while you can.

  • Toby: [as kids beat on her car] God damn them! Why do you live in this neighborhood? Why don't you move?

    Georgia: Because, it only costs me $300 a month. It's a sublet from Mary Todd Lincoln.

  • Hawk: What do you think I am, Georgia.

    Georgia: I think you're a good man who's had bad luck. And I think all that can change. The luck, I mean.

  • Georgia: Well, I'll tell you this much. You won't get another nickel as long as I live. And when I die, you still won't. I'll see to that first thing in the morning.

  • Helen: Little fool. You're crazy.

    Georgia: If I am, at least I'm crazy with love for a man. All you're crazy about is money and yourself.

  • Georgia: What are you drinking?

    Sadie Flood: You know me. Whatever's cheap or free.

  • Georgia: I don't want to know what you do locked away in that bathroom for half an hour.

  • Georgia: Sadie's pain must be fed. And we're all here to serve.

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