George Wilson Quotes in Frontier Days (1934)


George Wilson Quotes:

  • George Wilson: I want to talk to you!

    Bill 'Pinto Kid' Maywood: Well, I'm listenin'.

    George Wilson: What are you doin' here?

    Bill 'Pinto Kid' Maywood: Just ridin' by.

    George Wilson: Why didn't you keep ridin'?

  • George Wilson: [sees Dennis being helped by Gunther in a game of hide-and-seek] He's cheating.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: What are you doing?

    George Wilson: Dennis is cheating. He's using the Beckman kid as a spy.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Oh, leave them alone, George.

    George Wilson: I'm gonna even things up. Gunther?

    [Gunther looks up]

    George Wilson: Gunther, I'm just talking to your daddy on the telephone. He's going to the ice cream store. He wants to take you with him.

    [Gunther gasps in excitement]

    George Wilson: Hurry up and go home!

    [Gunther goes cross-eyed and runs off]

    George Wilson: [chuckles] Now it's fair.

    [Mr. Wilson sighs as he sits back down]

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: You lied to a toddler, George!

    [Mr. Wilson continues chuckling]

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Well, think how disappointed he's going to be when he gets home!

    George Wilson: Well, he better get used to it. Disappointment's gonna be a big part of his life. He's a foot short for his age and he's cross-eyed.

    [Mrs. Wilson glares at him]

  • Mrs. Martha Wilson: Weren't you a fat boy?

    George Wilson: I was husky.

  • George Wilson: However, you're dealing with him. He hasn't learned it's not good manners to break in on a fella and shoot an aspirin down his throat.

    Henry Mitchell: Oh, Mr. Wilson, he's 5.

    George Wilson: When I was 5, I had some respect.

    Henry Mitchell: Well, you're probably a pretty exceptional boy.

    George Wilson: In 1925, I was not the exception; I was the rule.

  • [in bed at night]

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: George, are you sleeping?

    George Wilson: I was until you started yaking.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: I'm sorry.

    George Wilson: Was Dennis in our bathroom?

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Yes.

    George Wilson: I think the little rat put mouthwash in my nasal spray and toilet cleanser in my mouthwash.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Why would he do something like that?

    George Wilson: [smiles sarcastically] Must you ask?

  • George Wilson: [angry about Alice Mitchell's cancelled flight] Over my dead body! This is the crowning moment of my retired life, and I'm not throwing it away like the evening trash for some ninny who can't get her keister to the airport on time!

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: George Wilson, you have no right to insult Alice! She can't help the weather any more than you or I.

    George Wilson: Well, she...

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: It's just plain bad luck! It's no one's fault.

    George Wilson: A tragedy of this magnitude has to be somebody's fault, Martha!

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: It isn't a tragedy! A little boy's going to join us for a party. Uh, if you want to forsake your neighbors when they need help, you do it alone.

    George Wilson: Why is it when everyone else feasts on the pleasure of life, I get the indigestion?

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Because you're an old grump!

  • George Wilson: [turns on bathroom light and walks in but slips on wet soapy floor, doing a full split at the legs]

    George Wilson: [grabs hold of the sink, to pull himself up] New pajamas. God bless them.

    George Wilson: [opens medicine cabinet and takes toilet-cleaner mouthwash out. He pours some and gargles on it and then spits it out groaning in disgust]

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: [hearing him from upstairs] Poor thing, I wish he'd get the hernia fixed.

    George Wilson: [has mouth on running faucet as he's trying to frantically rinse his mouth]

    George Wilson: [sniffling now, he reaches for the nasal spray-mouth wash. He squeezes some up one nostril. Squeezes up the other nostril. His face goes wild as he drops the container]

    George Wilson: [howling wildly he plunges his head in the sink full of water and desperately tries cleaning his nose]

  • George Wilson: I can't stand that kid, he's a menace!

  • Dennis: [looking at Mr. Wilson's gold] Is that Pirate's Gold?

    George Wilson: No.

    Dennis: Is it real valuable?

    George Wilson: Yes.

    Dennis: Is that why you keep it in your safe?

    George Wilson: Uh-huh.

    Dennis: [looks at Mr. Wilson's safe with a door of fake books] How come that safe looks like books?

    George Wilson: How come you ask so many questions?

    Dennis: I've only been around for 5 years. There's a lot of stuff I don't know.

  • George Wilson: [smiles at party] Well, Dennis, you're mother did not arrive.

    Dennis: Nope.

    George Wilson: This is an important event for me, Dennis.

    Dennis: I know.

    George Wilson: I, uh, don't want any nonsense. You mind whatever manners you have and don't make a pest of yourself.

    Dennis: Okay.

    George Wilson: [ruffles his hair real hard and leaves] Don't embarrass me.

    Dennis: Okay.

    [Dennis hears and sees elderly ladies near him]

    Dennis: [under his breath] Cheek pinchers!

  • [Mr. Wilson approaches, covered in flour]

    George Wilson: He's only a boy, huh?

  • Dennis: You've got everything figured out, haven't you, Mr. Wilson?

    George Wilson: I haven't figured out yet how I'm gonna get my work done with you in the house.

    Dennis: That's a tough one.

  • [Dennis is looking into a voyeur of women magazine]

    Dennis: Holy smokes, you gotta be pretty brave to ride on a tiger in your underpants.

    George Wilson: Put that away, that's not for kids.

  • Mrs. Martha Wilson: George, take Dennis's suitcase up to the guest room, please.

    George Wilson: He's got arms.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: Don't you start, dear.

  • George Wilson: Martha! Where are the GD garden lanterns?

  • George Wilson: [the others see the mess Dennis has made. Some people start taking pictures of it]

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: [sensing George getting mad] Now, George, take it easy.

    George Wilson: [glares at Dennis]

    Dennis: [looks back guiltily] I made a mistake?

    George Wilson: [just glares back]

  • George Wilson: [after missing flower show, goes up to flower and grumbles] 40 years down the drain.

    [plucks it up and throws it off]

  • George Wilson: G.D. wading pool!

  • George Wilson: Who else has a night-blooming mock orchid flowering this year?

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: It's an awfully homely-looking plant, George.

    George Wilson: Hang the looks at the thing! It opens before your eyes in the light of a full moon. It's a marvel, Martha. 40 years to mature and blossom. The flower opens and withers in a matter of moments.

    [Mr. and Mrs. Wilson approach a rare mock orchid kept alive for 40 years]

    George Wilson: There isn't a gardener in town who has a plant that requires a 40-year investment for ten seconds of splendor.

  • George Wilson: Where are you going?

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: [mad at him for his apathy] To make myself a cup of tea.

    George Wilson: I didn't decree that we wouldn't have children, Martha. It was out of both our hands.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: This isn't about having children or not having children, George. You missed the point. It's about my feeling, something very good and not being able to tell you about it.

  • Henry Mitchell: [after hearing about Dennis shooting a pill in Mr. Wilson's Mouth] I'm Sorry about this Morning.

    George Wilson: Your kid is driving me nuts.

    Henry Mitchell: I'll talk to him again.

    George Wilson: Maybe it isn't talk that he needs, when my father had something to tell me, he told me with his belt.

    Henry Mitchell: That's not how I deal with my son, George.

  • [Dennis has just put paint Mr. Wilson's barbequed chicken]

    George Wilson: Tastes like paint and wood.

    Mrs. Martha Wilson: I'll make us some sandwiches.

  • George Wilson: You're a pest. A menace. A selfish, spoiled little boy and I've no use for you. You took something from me that I can never get back, something that means more to me than you ever will. You understand? I don't want to see you, I don't want to know you. Get out of my way.

    [George walks away]

    Dennis: [in tears] I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.

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Characters on Frontier Days (1934)