George, Duke of Clarence Quotes in Richard III (1955)


George, Duke of Clarence Quotes:

  • George, Duke of Clarence: [speaking about Edward IV, who has sent Clarence to the Tower] He hearkens after dreams and prophecies / And from the crossrow plucks the letter 'G', / And says a wizard told him that by 'G' / His issue disinherited would be. / And for my name of George begins with G / It follows in his thoughts that I am he. /These and such like toys /Have moved his Highness to commit me now.

  • George, Duke of Clarence: Methoughts that I had broken from the Tower, /And was embark'd to cross to Burgundy; /And, in my company, my brother Gloucester; /Who from my cabin tempted me to walk /Upon the hatches: thence we looked toward England, /And cited up a thousand fearful times, /During the wars of York and Lancaster /That had befall'n us. As we paced along Upon the giddy footing of the hatches,/ Methought that Gloucester stumbled; and, in falling, /Struck me, that thought to stay him, overboard, /Into the tumbling billows of the main. Lord, Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown! /What dreadful noise of waters in mine ears! /What ugly sights of death within mine eyes! /Methought I saw a thousand fearful wrecks; /Ten thousand men that fishes gnaw'd upon; /Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, /Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, /All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea.

  • George, Duke of Clarence: I will send you to my brother Richard, who shall reward you better for my life than will the King for tidings of my death.

    James Tyrell, Richard's Chief Henchman: You are deceived. Your brother Richard hates you.

    George, Duke of Clarence: Oh, you are wrong. He loves me, and he holds me dear: Go you to him. Tell him that, he will weep.

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