Frank Murphy Quotes in Blue Thunder (1983)


Frank Murphy Quotes:

  • Jack Braddock: I've been trying to get you all night. Why don't you answer your fucking beeper?

    Frank Murphy: I just wanna tell you, Jack, that the next time I'm suspended, so is my fucking beeper!

  • Frank Murphy: That's Cochrane, F.E., US Army.

    Lymangood: Cochrane, F.E. What's the "F.E." stand for?

    Frank Murphy: "Fuck Everybody."

  • Lymangood: You mind if I ask you what you're doing.

    Frank Murphy: No... I don't mind at all.

  • [Braddock and Murphy have watched Blue Thunder perform a selective firepower demonstration]

    Icelan: Well, look at that, all the red dummies are blown to hell.

    Frank Murphy: And a few white ones!

    Fletcher: One civilian dead for every ten terrorists. That's an acceptable ratio.

    Frank Murphy: [Leaning closer to Braddock] Unless you're one of the civilians!

  • [repeated line]

    Frank Murphy: Outstanding!

  • Frank Murphy: Catch ya later!

  • Frank Murphy: [reading off a monitor] File under repair?

    Lymangood: Did you break your file?

  • [Murphy and Lymangood are flying a formation exercise with Cochrane]

    Col. F.E. Cochrane: Come on, Keep it tight!

    Lymangood: Christ! Any closer and we start eating blades!

    Frank Murphy: [mimicking Cochrane's British accent] We're following his leader!

  • Frank Murphy: Grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye Jafo. We're going down.

  • Col. F.E. Cochrane: You threatening me, Murphy?

    Frank Murphy: No, I'm telling you. Back off!

  • [Murphy walks out to the pad]

    Jack Braddock: Well Murph, feeling any pressure?

    Frank Murphy: Yeah. About 15 pounds per square inch at sea level.

  • [Murphy and Lymangood are on patrol]

    Lymangood: All those people. What do you suppose they're all doing down there?

    Frank Murphy: Well, according to the latest statistics, about 1 million, 775 thousand of them are... getting it on!

    Lymangood: That many, eh!

    Frank Murphy: The rest are waiting for 'Laverne and Shirley'!

  • [after the demonstration, Murphy and Braddock walk over to meet Blue Thunder's pilot]

    Frank Murphy: [recognizes Cochrane as the pilot] Well, what do you know!

    Jack Braddock: Friend of yours?

    Frank Murphy: [smiling ruefully] An old war buddy. Bastard tried to have me court-martialed once.

  • Frank Murphy: Finally made Colonel, eh?

    Col. F.E. Cochrane: If you're a nice guy, nice things happen to you.

    Frank Murphy: I'll try to remember that!

  • Frank Murphy: Uh-oh... uh-oh. You'd better hold your nose. We're in deep shit.

  • Lymangood: Big Brother: on or off?

    Frank Murphy: What's Big Brother?

    Lymangood: The cabin mike. It records everything we say.

    Frank Murphy: I think we can lose that.

  • Mobile Operator: Los Angeles Mobile?

    Frank Murphy: Mobile, listen get me KBLA TV!

    Mobile Operator: That number is listed in your directory sir.

    Frank Murphy: Don't give me any static lady. This is a police emergency. Get me KBLA TV right now.

  • Frank Murphy: [watching Kate drive] You're really riding with the angels, sweetheart.

  • Frank Murphy: Stop calling me Sir - you sound like David Copperfield!

  • Frank Murphy: Lymangood, Lymangood. What brings you to Air Support?

    Lymangood: Oh, I don't know, I just... I just put in for Observer. I kind of like the idea of it. no guns, no kicking in doors - quiet!

    Frank Murphy: [Glancing upwards with a pleading look] Oh, yeah!

  • Frank Murphy: [trying to force the helicopter into doing a full flip] Come on, you tub of shit!

  • Frank Murphy: What's the sensitivity of those mikes?

    Sgt. Short: You can hear a mouse fart at 2000 ft!

  • [Murphy is looking over Blue Thunder's cockpit after the demonstration]

    Col. F.E. Cochrane: Could have used this in 'Nam.

    Frank Murphy: Could have used something.

  • Lymangood: Sir, what was that business with the watch? Back in the ready room, with the watch?

    Frank Murphy: It's sort of a test.

  • Frank Murphy: All right, Murphy, it's time to put your money where your mouth is.

  • Lymangood: Hey, I've got a black guy in a beanie down there! Looks like he's selling dope out of a van!

    Frank Murphy: Is that a red beanie?

    Lymangood: Yeah, that's him!

    Frank Murphy: He's our's - undercover buy program.

    Lymangood: Oh, right, right right right, yeah!

    Frank Murphy: You *were* at the briefing?

    Lymangood: Yes, Sir, Sir! I guess I just forgot, Sir!

    Frank Murphy: [laughs] You're going to fit right in!

  • Frank Murphy: Orange shirt and a Cowboy hat! Whatever happened to inconspicuous?

  • Frank Murphy: [Watching Cochrane's Corvette pulling into a building] Oh, he's going in there!

    Lymangood: Where are we?

    Frank Murphy: Federal Building.

  • Lymangood: [after the liquor store robber shoots at them and the bullet pierces the chopper] Jesus! Christ!

    Frank Murphy: Welcome to air support.

  • Lymangood: Hey what time do you got?

    Frank Murphy: Ohh... You've been talking to Montoya haven't you?

    Lymangood: Well he did say something about Encino.

    Frank Murphy: Ahh what the hell." "You've been shot at, you mine as well have your picture taken too!

  • Lymangood: Hey, do you think she can see us?

    Frank Murphy: All she has to do is look out the window." "Don't press on the pedals!

  • Col. F.E. Cochrane: Do you think you can fly it?

    Frank Murphy: YOU flew it, didn't you?

  • Col. F.E. Cochrane: Rather a near thing today huh, Murph. I heard your turbine failed or was it your flying?

    Frank Murphy: Back off, asshole!

    Col. F.E. Cochrane: Oh, what's this hear I threats? My what a change. We are acting brave nowadays. Are you threatning me, Murphy?

    Frank Murphy: No. I'm telling you. Back off!

    Col. F.E. Cochrane: Catch you later!

  • Frank Murphy: Bright red cowyboy hat and Hawaiian shirt. Whatever happened to inconspicous?

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