Frank Castle Quotes in The Punisher (2004)


Frank Castle Quotes:

  • Candelaria: Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God.

    Frank Castle: God's gonna sit this one out.

  • Frank Castle: It's been five months since my family was killed. I don't see ONE man in jail.

    Police Chief Morris: Obviously you're upset...

    Frank Castle: Upset? Is that the word? I used to get upset. When I got a flat tire, when a plane was delayed. I used to get *upset* when the Yankees won the series. So if that's what upset means, what am I feeling now? If you know the word, tell me because I don't.

  • Micky Duka: What's the torch for?

    Frank Castle: 2000 degrees, Mick. Enough to turn steel into butter.


    Frank Castle: It won't hurt at first. It's too hot, you see? The flame sears the nerve endings shut, killing them. You'll go into shock... and all you'll feel is... cold. Isn't science fun, Mickey?

  • [Frank approaches a mortally wounded Saint, and throws down pictures of Quentin with his boyfriend]

    Frank Castle: I made you kill your best friend.

    [after a pause, Frank throws down Livia's earring]

    Frank Castle: I made you kill your wife.

    Howard Saint: [moans] Oh, God...

    Frank Castle: Now I've killed you.

  • [Frank finds John Saimt, wedged underneath a fallen desk, with only one arm free. John desperately tries to reach his gun, Frank slides it away]

    Frank Castle: You look like a strong kid. You must work out. Ever try isometrics? This antipersonnel mine weighs eight pounds. Not much, but try holding it with an outstretched arm.

    [He places the mine in John's hand, then ties its trigger to a rail overhead]

    Frank Castle: Hell of a workout.

  • Frank Castle: Howard Saint. Howard Saint!

    [Saint stops fleeing]

    Frank Castle: You took everything from me.

    Howard Saint: You killed my son.

    John Saint: [from inside the club] NO...!

    [muffled explosion]

    Frank Castle: Both of them.

  • Frank Castle: [to Joan] You were right. Good memories can save your life.

  • Spacker Dave: [to Castle after being tortured] They tried to make me talk... I gave 'em nothing...

    Frank Castle: You don't know me. You don't owe me anything. I've brought you nothing but trouble. Why were you ready to die for me?

    Spacker Dave: Because you're one of us... you're family.

  • Bumpo: Mr. Castle... Frank?

    Frank Castle: I'm fine.

    [looks at the dead hit man by his feet]

    Frank Castle: He's not.

    [keels over]

  • Bumpo: [after Frank has been in a fight] He needs a hospital.

    Frank Castle: [bleeding] No hospitals, no doctors.

    Spacker Dave: I know what he wants.

    [runs and grabs a full bottle of ferocious liquor]

  • Iraq Soldier: But these guys are terrorists!

    Frank Castle: They think the same thing about us.

  • Joan: I know it's not Thanksgiving, but I'd like for us to say what we're thankful for. I'll start, I'm thankful to be alive, to have a job, and to be sober.

    Spacker Dave: Yeah, I'm thankful for my mom... getting out of jail, which is cool, and this girl who gave me her number, which is also cool.

    Bumpo: Thanks for leftovers, full. Thanks for Diet Pepsi, and thanks for good neighbors.

    [Awkward silence. Everyone looks at Frank, who has hurriedly cleaned his plate already]

    Frank Castle: Thanks for dinner.

  • Frank Castle: [during the popsicle interrogation] You smell that, Mick? I'm burning off some of your fat.

  • Frank Castle: I'm not a betting man, Jimmy.

    Jimmy Weeks: I'll tell you who did it.

    Frank Castle: You did it.

    Jimmy Weeks: Saint did it!

    Frank Castle: No, you did it. You called the other day 'cause you're sick, you need my help. That's what friends are for, right? Well here I am, I'm here to help.

  • Jimmy Weeks: What are you gonna do?

    Frank Castle: I'm not gonna do anything.

    [tosses him a bullet]

    Frank Castle: You are.

    Jimmy Weeks: Frank, I will...

    Frank Castle: Let's say goodbye like friends we were, huh? Not like animals.

  • Jimmy Weeks: [toasting Castle] To Frank Castle... the finest solider, the finest undercover cop, the finest man I've ever known. What am I gonna do without you?

    Frank Castle: Get a girlfriend.

  • Priest: God be with you, Frank.

    Frank Castle: Sometimes I would like to get my hands on God.

  • [Carlos is dying after being axed by Loony Bin Jim]

    Carlos: See you in hell.

    Frank Castle: If I see you anywhere near Hell, I'll kick your ass out.

    [Frank covers Carlos's eyes and shoots him to end his suffering]

  • Frank Castle: Let me put you out of my misery.

    [He throws a skewered Jigsaw into a fire pit. Jigsaw screams and writhes]

    Frank Castle: This is just the beginning.

  • Frank Castle: What do you want, Micro?

    Micro: Have you ever heard of I'm posing as a one-armed Wahhabi warrior who took a crap in a cave next to bin Laden. I think I can score you a couple of rocket launchers.

    Frank Castle: What do you want?

    Micro: I haven't seen you in a while.

    [Micro shows Frank a bag of guns]

    Micro: I brought you some treats. It's gun show season in Virginia. No background checks, no problems.

    [Frank gives Micro a large sum of cash]

    Micro: That's too much, Frank.

    Frank Castle: Call it a retirement package.

    Micro: Look, I know this thing with the fed is eating you up inside, but that doesn't mean you pack up your tent. We all make mistakes, Frank. You're fighting a war against the assholes who slip through the raindrops, who get away with it. In any war, there's collateral damage. You know that.

    Frank Castle: Collateral damage? I killed an agent in the field. One of the good guys. He had a family.

    Micro: You didn't know.

    Frank Castle: I fucked up, Micro. Now please, just leave me alone.

  • Priest: For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

    Frank Castle: Matthew 7:2.

    Priest: You're a long way from the seminary, Frank.

    Frank Castle: I accepted that a long time ago.

  • Special Agent Paul Budiansky: So, what's the plan?

    Frank Castle: I'm going in to get them.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: ...You call that a plan?

    Frank Castle: That's all I need.

  • Frank Castle: Let me out.

    Martin Soap: You know, Frank, giving you a tip is one thing, password to the crime database is another, but letting you go...?

    Frank Castle: Soap!

    Martin Soap: Fine.

  • Special Agent Paul Budiansky: [Budiansky meets Castle at a church] Interesting choice for a meeting place, I didn't take you for a religious man, Castle.

    Frank Castle: Yeah, well, an eye for an eye.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: If I remember right, they're not called the Ten Suggestions.

    Frank Castle: Russoti's got Angela and Grace.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: How?

    Frank Castle: Doesn't matter.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: Well, maybe if you put them in protective custody like you should have, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    Frank Castle: They'd be dead.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: The law can't touch him, Castle, total immunity. Unless you've got a video tape of Russoti taking them, we can't even give him a parking ticket.

    Frank Castle: It's a fucked up system you're sworn to protect.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: Never said it was perfect.

    Frank Castle: He wants me in exchange for them, I need you to secure the trade.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: Okay, but I'm doing this by the book.

    Frank Castle: And what book do you think they're going by, huh?

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: I took an oath, Castle. There are laws.

    Frank Castle: No official police procedure. You wanna come along? Leave your badge at home.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: I have to think about it.

    Frank Castle: Clock's ticking.

  • Grace: You're standing in my light.

    Frank Castle: [hands her a flashlight] Here you go, for the next time someone is standing in your light.

  • Angela Donatelli: [aiming a pistol] Step the fuck away from my little girl!

    Grace: Mom, that's a Dad word.

    Angela Donatelli: Go inside, Grace!

    [Grace goes inside]

    Angela Donatelli: You're messing with the wrong family on the wrong day, asshole.

    [Frank turns to face her]

    Angela Donatelli: You! You look... what are you doing here? What makes you think you can come here?

    Frank Castle: You have a scared little girl.

    Angela Donatelli: Shut up, just shut your mouth.

    Frank Castle: I'm sorry.

    Angela Donatelli: I said shut up!

    [He pushes the bag at his feet toward her]

    Angela Donatelli: What's this?

    Frank Castle: Something to help out.

    Angela Donatelli: No. No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to shoot my husband in cold blood and then stop at the ATM.

    Grace: It's for your daughter.

    Angela Donatelli: [takes aim at his chest] This is what you deserve. What you did to Nick! Who punishes *you*?

    Frank Castle: He taught you how to shoot. A good agent keeps his family safe, they can't always be here. Took you out to the range, showed you what to do.

    [he takes the gun and presses the muzzle to his chest]

    Frank Castle: This is what you do. Squeeze, don't pull.

    Grace: [from inside] I can't find my red pen. Mom, I need it.

    [Long, tense silence. Angela backs off and lowers the gun]

    Angela Donatelli: Take it.

    [she goes inside whilst he takes the money and leaves]

  • Billy Russoti: Catch!

    [throws Frank his gun]

    Billy Russoti: What do you say we play a game? You got one round left in there. You shoot one of these two, and I'll let the other go free. So, who's it going to be, your fat friend over here, or the nice little piece of jailbait over there?

    Frank Castle: Burn in hell.

    Billy Russoti: Okay, then they both die.

    Micro: Frank! She's a kid, shoot me.

  • Frank Castle: Who's the old man?

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: That's Cristu's father. Old-country genocidal maniac. Figured he'd stir up a shit storm for us.

    Frank Castle: Cops will be all over this place once the firework starts.

    Special Agent Paul Budiansky: I wouldn't worry about that. I called in an explosives permit. Construction crew. Said we'll be blasting dynamite all night.

  • Jigsaw: On three. One... two...

    Frank Castle: [aims at Micro's head] You won't feel a thing, Micro.

    Jigsaw: ...three!

    [Castle turns and shoots Loony Bin Jim in the head]

  • Sam Leary: How long do you think someone can live after you've cut out their heart?

    Frank Castle: A long... time.

  • Jake: [Jakes enters Castle's cell] Hello, Frank. How have you been?

    Frank Castle: Busy.

    Jake: I know. I've heard about the charge of the body count. What the hell happened Frank?

    Frank Castle: Frank is dead! Alright?

    Jake: I see. So, you decided that everybody else had to be dead too, is that it?

    Frank Castle: No. If you're guilty, you're dead.

    Jake: Courts decide whose guilty. Not cops. We hereby swear to uphold the law, remember? I've been looking for you for 5 years. Why the hell didn't you come to me for help?

    Frank Castle: I didn't need your help.

    Jake: You're sick, you know that don't you?

    Jake: No I'm not.

    Jake: What the fuck do you call 125 murders in 5 years?

    Frank Castle: Work in progress.

    Jake: GODDAMMIT! This is no fucking joke. They are gonna electrocute you and there's nothing I can do anything about it. You got to talk to me. Let me in! LET ME IN! They were my fucking family too, Frank. They were my family too. Now let me in, goddamit. LET ME IN! I see. You wanna die? is that it? Well, fuck you! Go ahead and die. The Frank I knew died 5 years ago. FUCK YOU!

    [Knocks on door]

    Jake: Open this door!

  • Frank Castle: If you're guilty, you're dead.

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