Fenster Quotes in Cabin Fever (2002)


Fenster Quotes:

  • Tommy: There's some kids in a cabin. They got a disease. They just gave it to Dennis.

    Fenster: We'll need "The Kit."

  • [suspects in a lineup are asked to read a phrase]

    Interrogation Cop: Number 1, step forward.

    Hockney: Hand me the keys, you fucking cocksucker.

    Interrogation Cop: Number 2, step forward.

    McManus: Give me the fucking keys, you fucking cocksucking motherfucker, aaarrrghh.

    Interrogation Cop: Knock it off. Get back. Number 3, step forward.

    Fenster: [laughing] Hand me the keys, you cocksucker.

    Interrogation Cop: In English, please?

    Fenster: Excuse me?

    Interrogation Cop: In English.

    Fenster: Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?

  • Fenster: They treat me like a criminal. I'll end up a criminal.

    Hockney: You are a criminal.

    Fenster: Why you gotta go and do that? I'm trying to make a point.

  • [after being strip-searched]

    Fenster: Man, I had a finger up my asshole tonight.

    Hockney: Is it Friday already?

  • Fenster: The way I hear it, Soze is some kind of butcher. A peerless, psycho, fucked-up butcher.

  • Kobayashi: Mr. Redfoot knew nothing. Mr. Soze rarely works with the same people for very long, and they never know who they're working for. One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.

    Fenster: So why are you telling us?

    Kobayashi: Because you have stolen from Mr.Soze, Mr Fenster. All of you. That you did not know you stole from him is the only reason you are still alive. He feels you owe him. You will repay your debt.

    Hockney: All right, fuck the debt. And fuck you! How do we know you work for Soze?

    Kobayashi: I don't think that is very relevant, Mr Hockney. All five of you are responsible for the murder of Saul Berg and his bodyguards. Mr. Redfoot can testify to your involvement, and we can see to it that he will.

  • Interrogation Cop: What are you saying?

    Fenster: I said he'll flip you.

    Interrogation Cop: He'll what?

    Fenster: Flip you. Flip ya for real.

  • Fenster: Can you hear me in the back? Hello?

  • Fenster: [TV Edit] Hand me the keys, you fairy godmother.

  • Fenster: You do some time, they never let you go. You know. They treat you like a criminal. *I'm* not a criminal.

    Hockney: You *are* a criminal.

    Fenster: Now why'd you got to go and do that? (I'm) trying to make a point.

  • Interrogation Cop: What are you Sayin'?

    Fenster: I said you FLIP YA!

    Interrogation Cop: What?


    Interrogation Cop: Yea I'm shakin'. C'mon. Answer my question.

  • Fenster: I don't know anything about no fuckin? truck.

    Interrogation Cop: Oh, yeah? Well, your friend McManus told us a different story altogether.

    Fenster: Oh, is that the one about the hooker with the dysentery?

  • Fenster: So who in this goddamn p-cell stole the fuckin' truck?

    Hockney: What did you say?

    Fenster: Who stole the fuckin' truck?

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