Father Malone Quotes in Trouble Along the Way (1953)


Father Malone Quotes:

  • Steve Aloysius Williams: [talking football] What system do you use?

    Father Malone: 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.' But, usually, the others do it to us first.

  • Steve Aloysius Williams: How'd you do last season?

    Father Malone: We showed up for every game.

    Steve Aloysius Williams: I'd say that was raw courage.

  • Father Malone: So now you know.

    Elizabeth Williams: That our forefathers murdered every man, woman and child on the Elizabeth Dane? And this town was built on nothing but lies?

    Father Malone: And now they've come for revenge.

  • Father Malone: We're the children of murderers. All of us. Wayne, Castle, Williams, Malone...

    Kathy Williams: But we haven't done anything.

    Spooner: Yeah, keep my father out of this. We from Chicago.

  • Father Malone: Get off the Island!

    Elizabeth Williams: Why?

    Father Malone: Just go!

  • Father Malone: [reading from Patrick Malone's journal] "December 9: Met with Blake this evening for the first time. He stood in the shadows to prevent me from getting a clear look at his face. What a vile disease this is. He is a rich man with a cursed condition, but this does not prevent him from trying to better his situation and that of his comrades at the colony. December 11: Blake's proposition is simple, He wants to move off Tanzier Island and re-locate the entire colony just north of here. He has purchased a clipper ship called the Elizabeth Dane with part of his fortune and asks only for permission to settle here. I must balance my feelings of mercy and compassion for this poor man, with my revulsion at the thought of a leper colony only a mile distant. April 20: The six of us met tonight. From midnight until one o'clock, we planned the death of Blake and his comrades. I tell myself that Blake's gold will allow the church to be built, and our small settlement to become a township, but it does not soothe the horror that I feel being an accomplice to murder. April 21: The deed is done. Blake followed our false fire on shore and the ship broke apart on the rocks off Spivey Point. We were aided by an unearthly fog that rolled in, as if Heaven sent, although God had no part in our actions tonight. Blake's gold will be recovered tomorrow, but may the Lord forgive us for what we've done." I couldn't read any further.

    Sandy Fadel: You're grandfather had a way with words.

    Father Malone: The celebration tonight is a travesty. We're honoring murderers.

  • Kathy Williams: Are you going to give the benediction tonight, father?

    Father Malone: Antonio bay has a curse on it.

    Sandy Fadel: Do we take that as a "no"?

  • [last lines]

    Father Malone: Why not six, Blake? Why not me?

  • [Bennett has finished working at the church]

    Bennett: Well, I'm finished. Good night, Father.

    Father Malone: Good night, Bennett. I'll need you to you come in tomorrow at four.

    Bennett: Sure. Father, can I get paid?

    Father Malone: Ah... why don't you come in at six tomorrow instead of four.

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