Father Luke Brophy Quotes in Repossessed (1990)


Father Luke Brophy Quotes:

  • Father Luke Brophy: She has an unGodly voice, maniacal facial expressions...

    Father Jebedaiah Mayii: That doesn't prove a thing, she could be related to Joe Cocker.

    Father Luke Brophy: No.

    Father Jebedaiah Mayii: Could it be she had PMS?

  • Nancy: [the devil, speaking through Nancy] I am far more powerful than you can ever imagine!

    Father Luke Brophy: Maybe, however you are but one being. I represent the belief of far more people. Did you know that the Christian religion has over a billion followers?

    Nancy: Big deal, so does the Wheel of Fortune!

  • Nancy: You're praying to a God you've never even seen before!

    Father Luke Brophy: I don't need to see him, for the bible says that God created man in his own image.

    Nancy: Oh yeah? Then how do you explain Pee Wee Herman?

  • [after bodybuilder has fallen in front of him]

    Gay bodybuilder: Well, hello there I've always wanted my own personal trainer

    Father Luke Brophy: Excuse me I'm looking for a man...

    Gay bodybuilder: Get your own this one's already taken

  • Nancy: [while possessed] You may think you've won, Brophy, but I know another way to reach all those people!

    Father Luke Brophy: Satan wait! Where do you think you're going?

    Nancy: I'm going to Disneyland!

  • Nancy: [possessed] The last collar jockey who messed with me ended up with a dislocated shoulder.

    Father Luke Brophy: You don't scare me.

    Nancy: Oh, yeah? They found it in Baltimore.

  • Father Luke Brophy: Satan stop! Where do you think you're going?

    Nancy: I'm going to Disneyland!

  • Father Luke Brophy: Freeze, pukeface!

    Nancy: Ohhhhhhhhh!

    Father Luke Brophy: You think you're up for a real challenge?

    Nancy: A challenge? From you? Oh, don't make me laugh, my skin will crack!

    Father Luke Brophy: Not me... May I!

    Nancy: May I ? Oh, that old geezer quit throwing holy water years ago!

    Father Luke Brophy: Not before he kicked your slimy butt.

    Nancy: No way! It was rigged! The fight was fixed. I WANT A REMATCH!

    Father Luke Brophy: You got it.

  • Father Luke Brophy: You fiend!

    Jebedaiah Mayii: Why am I a fiend?

    Father Luke Brophy: Oh, I was talking to her.

    Jebedaiah Mayii: But you were looking at me.

    Father Luke Brophy: Well, you know...

    Jebedaiah Mayii: I had nothing to do with the water, Luke! It came from up there, it came from over there, it came from...

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