Ethan Cooper Quotes in The Matchbreaker (2016)


Ethan Cooper Quotes:

  • Veronica: Jump in after me Ethan.

    Ethan Cooper: Really?

    Veronica: Prove to me your love.

    Ethan Cooper: Eh! I would normally, but it's cold.

  • Ethan Cooper: [to Sam] The laundry basket is less than 10 feet away.

    [to the dog by pointing at the socks]

    Ethan Cooper: Beast!

    Sam: Wait, you... you taught him how to do laundry?

    Ethan Cooper: Apparently not.

  • [First lines]

    Sam: Why'd you breakup with her?

    Ethan Cooper: Seven reasons actually. Number one, she doesn't vote.

    Sam: Eh!

    Ethan Cooper: Shh! Number two, she cheered for Bulgaria in the last Olympics. Bulgarians don't even cheer for Bulgaria. Okay, so it was one Bulgarian and he was missing an arm.

    Sam: The rest of the time she cheered for America?

    Ethan Cooper: Yes.

    Sam: Okay, that one's a stretch too. Look, why don't you just forget your seven reasons and admit that you only need one to talk yourself out of any girl.

    Ethan Cooper: What's that?

    Sam: That she's not Emily.

  • Ethan Cooper: [describing his job] I take dysfunctional systems and I disassemble them for diagnosis.

  • [Last lines]

    Ethan Cooper: It's time to top off the night with some team Jacob.

    Emily Atkins: Edward. Team Edward.

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