Eret Quotes in How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)


Eret Quotes:

  • Hiccup: [to Eret, who's riding on Stormfly with Astrid] Welcome aboard, dragon rider.

    Eret: Thanks! I think!

    Astrid: [to Hiccup] Where have YOU been?

    Hiccup: Oh, you know. Catching up with Mom.

    [Hiccup looks up. Astrid follows his gaze and sees Valka on Cloudjumper, summoning her Bewilderbeast]

    Astrid: [aghast] THAT'S your MOTHER?

    Hiccup: [smiles] Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair.

    [He flies off with Toothless]

  • Eret: [approaches Hiccup after he saves Berk] That was some pretty fine dragon-wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper.

    [Skullcrusher nudges him playfully]

    Eret: Whoa!

    [He chuckles]

    Hiccup: You know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now.

    Eret: [surprised] Me?

    [Hiccup nods]

    Eret: I'd be honored.

    Valka: [comes over to Hiccup] Your father would be every bit as proud as I am.

    Hiccup: Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, Mom.

    Valka: And here I'll stay.

    Astrid: [walks up to Hiccup] See? I told you it was in here.

    [She points to his heart and then presses the button which releases the fin in his back]

    Hiccup: [laughs] You're still doing that one. That's hilarious. Come here, you.

    [He kisses Astrid]

  • Eret: [to Drago, after the dragon riders have been captured] They wouldn't know where you're hiding. I promise you that.

    Astrid: Oh, yes, they will! They know we're missing and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna kick...

    Drago: Hiccup?

    Eret: He's no problem. Really. Trust me.

    Astrid: He's only the son of Stoick the Vast, his heir to the throne of Berk, and the greatest dragon master this world has ever seen!

    Drago: Dragon master? I alone control the dragons!

    Tuffnut: Nope, mm-mm.

    Fishlegs: SORRY!

    [the dragon riders laugh]

    Astrid: And unless you let us go, right now, he will blast through here on his Night Fury and blow your entire fleet of ships to splinters.

    Ruffnut: Then they'll be crying like babies!

  • Snotlout: Could this day get any worse?

    Tuffnut: Uh, lemme see: We're jumpin' in freezing cold water, and then die from drowning.

    Eret: [sarcastically] Looks refreshing.

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