Emperor Pu Yi Quotes in The Last Emperor (1987)


Emperor Pu Yi Quotes:

  • The Governor: [Confronting Puyi in the prison gardens, where Puyi works alone] Perhaps you think we're here to teach men to lie in a new way?

    The Governor: [Puyi continues working as if trying to ignore the Governor] Why did you sign every accusation made against you? I didn't stop you from killing yourself to see you like this! Someone who will sign anything to please his enemies... to please me!

    The Governor: [Puyi continues working] You knew about a lot of things in Manchukuo... even the secret agreements. But you couldn't possibly have known about the Japanese biological warfare experiments in Harbin! Could you? So why did you sign these papers?

    Emperor Pu Yi: I was responsible for everything.

    The Governor: You are responsible for what you do! All your life you thought you were better than everyone else. Now you think you're the worst of all!

    Emperor Pu Yi: [sighs] Why can you not leave me alone? You saved my life to make me a puppet in your own play. You saved me because I am useful to you.

    The Governor: Is that so terrible? To be useful?

  • Chen Pao Shen: [as Puyi is heading off to become the Emperor of Manchukuo] If you go you betray your country!

    Emperor Pu Yi: [pause, at a distance] Which country?

  • Emperor Pu Yi: This isn't a school; it's a prison. A real prison.

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