Drug Dealer #3 Quotes in Lethal Weapon (1987)


Drug Dealer #3 Quotes:

  • Drug Dealer #3: [Riggs is in a Christmas tree lot, and pretends to sample some coke for a buy] Good, huh? Tasty? Smooth?

    Martin Riggs: Yeah, that's good...

    Drug Dealer #1: [walking up with a beer] Here ya go, pal...

    Martin Riggs: Thanks. Okay, so let's do it. How much?

    Drug Dealer #3: How much for how much?

    Martin Riggs: For all of it.

    Drug Dealer #3: You want it all. He wants it all.

    Drug Dealer #1: He wants it all, beautiful. Congratulations!

    Drug Dealer #3: All right!

    Martin Riggs: Maybe a nice six footer to put it under, huh?

    Drug Dealer #2: You want a tree? I'll tell you what. I'll give you the best tree I got on the lot, for nothin'. But the shit's gonna cost ya... a hundred.

    Martin Riggs: What, that much?

    Drug Dealer #3: Hey, you said you liked it, that's a fair price.

    Martin Riggs: Yeah... yeah! Hell, you only live once... get this together here...

    [takes out his wallet, starts counting out a hundred dollars]

    Martin Riggs: Twenty, forty, sixty, seventy...

    Drug Dealer #1: Hey, what the fuck...

    Drug Dealer #2: Hey, man... Hey!

    Martin Riggs: C'mon, shut up man, I'm losin' count... Ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety...

    Drug Dealer #2: Forget it, you dumbshit. One hundred THOUSAND. One hundred THOUSAND, DOLLARS!

    Martin Riggs: A hundred thousand?


    Martin Riggs: I'm sorry, I can't afford that, not on my salary. But I'll tell ya what, I got a better idea, here. Let me say I take the whole stash of your hands for free, and you assholes can go to jail.

    [takes out his badge and puts it on the table in front of them]

    Martin Riggs: What do you say about that? Now I could read you guys your rights, but ah, you guys already know what your rights are, don't you?

    Drug Dealer #2: [drug dealers stare, then start to laugh] This badge ain't real. YOU ain't real.

    Drug Dealer #1: No, but you sure are a crazy son of a bitch!

    Martin Riggs: [They all laugh] You think I'm crazy? You call me crazy, you think I'm crazy? You wanna see crazy?

    [Riggs starts slapping him self on the head, Stooges style, then pokes their eyes and slaps them, and pulls out his gun]

    Martin Riggs: . Now that's a real badge, I'm a real cop, and this is a real fucking gun!

    Drug Dealer #2: [menacing] Okay, pal...

    Martin Riggs: Hey, noses in the dirt, asshole...

    [And the guns start blazin']

  • Police Officer: [cops drive up after the drug dealer shoot-out] Whaddaya got, Riggs?

    Martin Riggs: There's three down, and one loose in here, he's got black hair and a red shirt...

    Police Officer: Okay, let's go! I'm coverin' the left side...

    [Riggs weaves around through Christmas trees, and the 3rd dealer jumps him]

    Drug Dealer #3: Freeze! Freeze! Gimme the gun!

    [to Riggs, holding a gun to his head]

    Drug Dealer #3: How's it feel, sucker?

    Martin Riggs: Hey... shoot 'im!

    Police Officer: Drop it, prick!

    Martin Riggs: Hey, shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him! Will somebody shoot this prick? Shoot 'im! Shoot 'im!

    Drug Dealer #3: Shut the fuck up!

    Policewoman: [drawing a bead on the dealer] Freeze!

    Martin Riggs: Shoot him! Shoot him! Somebody shoot this prick? Shoot 'im! Shoot 'im!

    Martin Riggs: [to drug dealer] Shoot me! Shoot me! Shoot me! Ohhh...

    [in frustration, Riggs head-butts him, grabs the gun away from him, and holds it to the dealer's throat]

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