Dracula Quotes in Blade: Trinity (2004)


Dracula Quotes:

  • Dracula: Blade, ready to die?

    Blade: I was born ready motherfucker!

    Dracula: Motherfucker... I like that.

  • Dracula: Kill one man, you're a murderer, kill a million, a king. Kill them all, a God.

  • Dracula: Do you know who I am?

    Zoe: You're the Gnome King.

    Dracula: Ah. The Gnome King. How sweet. Tell me, child, do you want to die?

    Zoe: I'm not afraid. I'll go to heaven.

    Dracula: There is no heaven. No God, no angels. The only thing in your future is nothingness. But what if you could change that? What if you could remain a child forever? Wouldn't you like that? Wouldn't you accept that gift?

    Zoe: [calmly] My friends are coming to kill you.

  • Blade: You're not immortal. I musta heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim. Each one of them has tasted the end of my sword.

    Dracula: Perhaps I will too, then. But I think it is more likely the next time we meet, you fall before *mine*.

  • Dracula: Funny, isn't it? All this time, my people were trying to create a new kind of vampire when one already existed. I don't need to survive. The future of our race rests with you. You fought with honor. I respect that. Allow me a parting gift. But remember this. Sooner or later, the thirst always wins.

  • Dracula: Are you ready to die... motherfucker?

  • Dracula: [holding Phoebe up by her throat] Give me the amulet, you BITCH!

  • [Dracula throws dynamite in the boys' tree house]

    Dracula: Meeting adjourned.

    [the tree house explodes]

  • Dracula: I don't drink... coffee.

  • Dracula: Dignity, doctor.

  • Dracula: We're all so much more complicated than our names.

  • Dracula: You made the world in your image. Now I make it in mine.

  • Dracula: Everything I am is yours.

    Simon Sheppard: [trying to find her] Mary! Mary!

    Dracula: And all you are is mine.

  • Dracula: You think you can teach me about betrayal? Didn't your father ever tell you, Mary? I can't die. He won't have me.

    Mary: Did you ever ask?

    Dracula: For what? Forgiveness?

  • Dracula: Blood has always been the coin of our realm.

  • Mary: [about Jesus Christ] He still loves you.

    Dracula: Does he? Just as he still loves you? Then go back to him and see if he'll still have you!

  • Dracula: You cannot imagine what I've had to endure. I have borne the very wrath of God, chosen to suffer like no man before.

  • [Simon brandishes a Bible before the advancing Dracula]

    Dracula: Propaganda.

  • Dracula: Let me show you what I have shown no other.

  • Dracula: Mary, you're afraid. Don't be.

  • Dracula: You haven't been feeding her.

  • Dracula: [to the neon cross] You knew all this would come to pass.

  • Dracula: [to Mary] It was my last sunset on this earth that made me who I am.

  • J.T.: [very afraid] Don't kill me.

    Dracula: There are worst things than death.

  • Abraham Van Helsing: You-you can't have her... ever!

    Dracula: Can't I?

    Abraham Van Helsing: If you harm my daughter, I swear to the Lord Christ...

    Dracula: Shh! He doesn't care. In that you can trust. You stole life from my blood and past it to another. She's my Mary now.

    Abraham Van Helsing: No. Never! You want revenge? Take it! Right here, right now!

    Dracula: You know not the depths of my vengeance.

  • Valerie Sharp: I don't want to die.

    Dracula: Then you never will.

  • Dracula: [against the window of an airplane, sees a Twilight movie playing] This is how we're represented, unbelievable.

  • Jonathan: Are these monsters gonna kill me?

    Dracula: Not as long as they think you're a monster.

    Jonathan: That's kinda racist.

  • Jonathan: I'm Dracula, Bleh, bleh-bleh!

    Dracula: I've never said that in my life. 'Bleh, bleh-bleh.' I don't know where that comes from!

  • Jonathan: Uh, can I just ask? What exactly is this place?

    Dracula: What is this place? It's a place I built, for all those monsters out there lurking in the shadows. Hiding from the persecution of human kind. A for them and their families to come to and be themselves. A void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs. A place of peace, relaxation, and tranquility.

    Jonathan: Cool, so it's like a hotel for monsters?

    Dracula: [irritated] Yes, exactly. A hotel for monsters, way to sum it up.

  • Jonathan: [on opposite sides of an airplane window] Drac, I can't understand you!

    Dracula: What? My hands in a tan shoe?

  • Jonathan: Yeah, well, I was afraid your dad was gonna suck all the blood out of my body if I didn't say that.

    Dracula: I wouldn't have... No, he's right, I would have done that.

    Mavis: Dad.

    Dracula: I was wrong, Devil-chops.

  • Dracula: [Runs after Quasimodo to rescue Jonathan, but is stopped by Mavis] Mavis? Why are you still up? The sun is out. It could kill you, my honey-gut.

    Mavis: I couldn't sleep. You know where Jonny went?

    Dracula: I don't know. He -

    [Turns around & eyes her down angrily]

    Dracula: Why do you want know?

    Mavis: Oh! Uh,

  • Dracula: Listen to me, you are never to return here. Your are to stay away and tell no humans about this place. Or I will track you down, and suck every ounce of blood from you body, until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion!

  • Mavis: Uhm... who is that?

    Dracula: Who was what?

    Jonathan: [groans]

    Dracula: Oh that. That is ahh... nobody.

    Mavis: Seriously dad?

    Jonathan: Dad?

    Mavis: Yeah, I know Dracula's daughter. Everyone freaks out at first.

    Jonathan: Dracula?

  • Dracula: Hey you don't need a manikin!

  • Dracula: [thinks Murray passed gas] You're kidding me. Right in my lobby?

    Murray: Drac, I swear, man, I don't run like that.

  • Dracula: Welcome To Hotel Transylvania!

  • Dracula: [after noticing Mavis kissing Jonny]

    [rushes in between them and shouts at Jonny]

    Dracula: How could you? After I shared my pain with you?

  • Dracula: I know I lied. I was wrong. But you have to believe this: Johnny wasn't a bad guy. The truth is, I don't know if humans are bad anymore. Frank, come on, buddy. You understand.

    Eunice: He's not talking to you. First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good, what else? Up is down, cold is hot, gremlins don't smell.

    Gremlin Man: Hey!

  • Dracula: [holding Jonathan and looking at Mavis] Someone closer to your age, help plan the party.

    Mavis: [looking at Jonathan] You're my age!

    Jonathan: Sure, oh, well, how old are you?

    Mavis: 118.

    Jonathan: 100 and...

    [Dracula elbows Jonathan in the stomach]

    Jonathan: Yeah, I'm 121.

    Mavis: Really?

  • Dracula: I do not say, "Bleh bleh bleh"!

  • Dracula: It's ok we all get stomachaches Mr Big Foot.

  • Dracula: Good morning Mavey Wavey.

  • Dracula: House-keeping!

  • Dracula: Evil villain you will never win!

  • Mavis: Who was that?

    Dracula: Who was what?

  • Dennis: [from trailer]

    [Mavis holds her son at eye level in front of his Grandpa]

    Dennis: Blah... BlahBlah

    Dracula: [His face falls as his smile drops to a frown] I don't say Blah... BlahBlah

  • [From Trailer; Dracula, Frank, Wayne, Murray, Dennis and Griffin are riding on Blobby's motor scooter]

    Dracula: Hit it!

    [the motor bike moves forward one inch per minute, due to the combined weight of the riders]

    Dracula: [very annoyed] Oh *Come* ON!

  • Dracula: [from the trailer]

    [sees his lullaby has caused his grandson and daughter to fall asleep]

    Dracula: Still works

  • Kelsey: [from trailer]

    [on her grandson]

    Kelsey: Are you sure he's a vampire?

    Dracula: Of course he is look at him... he's just like me

  • Dracula: Nauseating to meet you.

  • Dracula: [singing] Your mom would be so happy / 'Cause she always knew / Love is making room / for all the best in you

  • Murray: Dennis!

    Dracula: Dennisavich

    Mavis: He's not in his room.

    Wayne: He's not by the pool

    Frankenstein: [Drinks an entire bowl of soup] He's not in this pot of soup.

  • Dracula: What kind of a monster is he? A ghoul? A demon? A spook, or...?

    Francesca: A human.

    Dracula: They're the worst kind.

  • The Monster's Mate: Stop behaving like the Statue of Liberty. Put down that torch.

    Dracula: Yes, we can still make a deal.

    Francesca: Make a deal with you? Not so long as I have Wolfbane for you, vampire, and a torch for you, Monster. Or is it torch for a vampire and Wolfsbane for a monster? Wolfsbane for a werewolf, and a torch for a vampire. No, it's stake through the heart for a vampire and a silver bullet for a monster.

    Dracula: I'll take the torch and you get the Wolfsbane.

  • Dracula: Um... Due to the dilapidated condition of my wallet... Er, your ship. I think I had better fly.

  • Yetch: Point of order. Point of information. Point of importance.

    Dracula: Speak up and stop pointing.

  • Francesca: As the doctor's rightful heir, I will be given his secrets and I shall share them with you.

    Dracula: Why of course. Half a loaf if better than two in the bushes. Or something like that.

    [to himself]

    Dracula: Then I shall get rid of you and have all the secrets to myself.

  • The Monster's Mate: [about the Mummy] I wonder how he got his invitation. He has an unlisted tomb. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

    [about the Hunchback]

    The Monster's Mate: Didn't I see him at the Transylvania Gardens in the main event?

    Dracula: The Hunchback of Notre Dame ain't a boxer.

    The Monster's Mate: Afraid it'll ruin his looks, eh? Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

  • Dracula: I'd give my eye teeth to possess that secret formula.

  • Dracula: Francesca, you have always been my type. O-negative, isn't it?

  • Baron von Frankenstein: [the Werewolf enters] Aw, Werewolf, 'delighted you're here, Were.

    Dracula: Wolfie, you old dog! Ha ha. This convention is going to be a howling success.

    [Werewolf howls]

    Dracula: You see? I told you.

  • Dracula: [Has crashed into a tree; slurring] Permit me to introduth mythelf. I am Count Dracuwa.

  • Dracula: And now, friends, you'll see who was the original Batman.

    [Transforms into a bat]

  • [Dracula is outside Mina's room]

    Dracula: [to the maid] Essie... Essie... Your eyelids are growing heavy You will sleep... sleep.

    [Essie nods off to sleep]

    Dracula: Mina... Mina, open your eyes!

    [she does]

    Dracula: Arise, Mina.

    [she does]

    Dracula: Walk to the door.

    [Mina opens a door, and goes inside]

    Dracula: Mina... you are in the closet. Open the door, and come out.

    [she does]

    Dracula: Now walk to the Terrace Door. Watch out for the foot...

    [too late! Mina trips over the footstool, and goes flying]

    Dracula: Stool. Stand up.

    [Essie and Mina both rise]

    Dracula: Not you. Sit!

    [Mina sits]

    Dracula: No, not you, *you* sit.

    [Essie sits]

    Dracula: *You* stand.

    [both stand]

    Dracula: No! Sit!

    [both sit]

    Dracula: No, you stand!

    [both stand]

    Dracula: You walk to the Terrace Door and you go back to sleep! *Watch out!*

    [Essie and Mina bump into one another and fall to the floor. Dracula throws his arms in frustration]

  • [Dracula is hypnotizing a valet at the theatre where Doctor Seward is enjoying an opera]

    Dracula: You vill tell Doctor Seward there is a message for him in the lobby... and you will remember nothing of what I tell you.

    [the valet goes to open Seward's chambers and nods her head. She opens the curtain to Seward's chambers and stands there with her mouth open for a few moments, then closes the curtain]

    Usherette: [noticing Dracula standing there] Hello, can I help you sir?

    Dracula: [mimicking her] Can I help you sir?


    Dracula: What's wrong with you, why did you not tell him?

    Usherette: About what?

    Dracula: About the message!

    Usherette: For whom?

    Dracula: Never mind! I vill tell him myself. And for your miserable performance, you will receive no tip!

    Usherette: No tip?

    Dracula: Ah! That, you remember!

  • Van Helsing: Count Dracula. Hmm, curious. Are you descended from Vlad Tepes? The first Dracula?

    Dr. Steward: Tepes?

    Van Helsing: Ya. It means 'The Impaler.' He was a blood-thirsty butchah. He inflicted unspeakable tortures on the peasants: cutting off their hands and feet, gouging out their eyes and then impaling them on iron spikes!

    Dracula: They had it coming.

  • Dracula: [his last line] Renfield, you asshole!

  • Dracula: [in a dream walking about in the daylight thinking it's real] Everything is so lovely and colorful, and the sun is so shiny!

    [He spots two lovers having a picnic]

    Dracula: Say there, I just can't help that it is so lovely out here today, but if I could just spare it for a piece of your... chicken?

    Lover at Picnic: Oh sure, and some wine?

    Dracula: I never drink... wine

    [thinks for about three seconds]

    Dracula: Oh what the hell, let me try it.

    [tastes the wine]

    Dracula: ...It's good!

    Renfield: [Running towards him shouting] Master! Master!

    Dracula: [Happy to see him] Renfield, look at me! I'm drinking wine, and eating chicken!

    Renfield: Master, what are you doing out in the daytime?

    Dracula: Relax Renfield, I am cured!

    [smoke starts coming out of him]

    Renfield: No, no you're not! Look!

    Dracula: [realizing the smoke] I... made... a mistake... I've got to get back to my coffin!

    [He wakes up in panic noticing the dark out the window then, calms down]

    Dracula: It is night time, so it wasn't real, I was having... a daymare.

  • [a bat poops on the stairs]

    Dracula: Children of the night... What a mess they make.

  • Dracula: [carrying Essie out instead of Mina] You will be my bride throughout eternity. We'll share the endless passion of immortal love.

    Essie: Oh I can't wait!

    Dracula: [stares at her in surprise] NOT YOU!

    Dracula: [takes her back inside and throws heron the floor, and carries Mina out, speaking very fast] You will be my bride throughout eternity, we'll share the endless passion of immortal love!

  • Dracula: Renfield, you were having a nightmare!

    Renfield: A nightmare? But it was so real, so vivid. Two voluptuous women; grinding, heaving. I don't know how to describe it...


    Renfield: Have you ever been to Paris?

  • Dracula: [after rising from his coffin and hitting his head on a chandelier] I must move the coffin or the chandelier.

  • Dracula: [after flying out the window to the ground below] Time for you to join me! Come, Renfield.

    [Renfield obeys and dives out the window, crash-landing on the ground below, then staggers disoriented to his feet]

    Renfield: [Hobbles in pain] Yes, Master... Yes... Ohhhh!

    Dracula: Renfield... I meant for you to use the drainpipe


    Dracula: I fly... You don't!

    Renfield: Yes, master... You fly... I don't... Yes, yes...

    [Hobbling off behind DRACULA]

  • [Dracula picks up Jonathan by the throat]

    Dracula: Arrogant mortal! You are in my world now and you will never leave this attic alive! I will destroy you, and then I will possess she whom you love the most. And there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me!

    [Dracula laughs. Jonathan pokes him in the eyes and Dracula drops Jonathan]

    Dracula: Ow!

  • Lover at Picnic: Would you care for some wine?

    Dracula: I never drink wine... oh, what the hell. Let me try it.

  • Dracula: [waking up from a bad dream] Oh, it's night-time. I was having a daymare.

  • Larry Talbot: So! We meet again, Count Dracula.

    Dracula: Dracula?

    Wilbur Grey: Yes. That's who he says you are.

    Dracula: Oh. My costume perhaps?

    Chick Young: [jokingly] No. Talbot here thinks you're the real thing.

    Wilbur Grey: Uh-huh. Right out of McDougal's House of Horrors.

    Dracula: What an odd hallucination. But, the human mind is often inflamed with strange complexes. I suggest you consult your physician, Mr. Talbot.

    Chick Young: [referring to Wilbur] And take him along with you, please.

  • Dracula: What we need is young blood... and brains...

  • Dracula: And about the brain? I don't want to repeat Frankenstein's mistake and revive a vicious, unmanageable brute. This time the Monster must have no will of his own, no fiendish intellect to oppose his Master.

  • Dracula: Raw meat. You do like raw meat?

  • Dracula: Steak tartar? Ah, yes. Steak tartar.

  • Dracula: "Try it sometime. Just put your lips together and suck."

  • Dracula: We'll plunge together into a crimson lake!

    Emilia Chiapponi: First you gotta plunge into something else.

  • Dracula: They have destroyed my servant. They will be destroyed...

  • Dracula: [screaming at Alice] I have no further use for you!

  • Dracula: Alice...

    Alice Hargood: Who are you? How d'you know my name?

  • Dracula: [to Maria] Now my revenge is complete.

  • Dracula: There is a girl...

    Zena: What girl?

    Dracula: The niece of the monsignor.

    Zena: [with disgust] Maria?

    Dracula: Bring her to me.

    Zena: But what do you want her for? You've got me!

    Dracula: [slaps her in the face] Bring her to me!

  • Dracula: [Dracula's first line screaming at the faithless priest] Who has done this thing! Tell me who has done this thing!

  • Dracula: [to Zena] You have failed me. You must be punished.

  • Dracula: Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds... true love?

  • Dracula: I have crossed oceans of time to find you.

  • Mina: I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.

    Dracula: Mina, to walk with me you must die to your breathing life and be reborn to mine.

    Mina: You are my love... and my life, always.

    Dracula: Then, I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth. Walk with me to be my loving wife, forever.

  • Dracula: I... love you too much to condemn you.

  • Dracula: There is much to be learned from beasts.

  • Dracula: [about the wolves that are howling] Listen to them: the children of the night. What sweet music they make.

  • Dracula: Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me.

  • Dracula: I am the monster that breathing men would kill. I am Dracula.

  • Dracula: I, who served the Cross. I, who commanded nations, hundreds of years before you were born.

    Professor Abraham Van Helsing: Your armies were defeated. You tortured and impaled thousands of people.

    Dracula: I was betrayed. Look what your God has done to me!

  • Dracula: The blood is the life... and it shall be mine.

  • Dracula: I condemn you to living death. To eternal hunger for living blood.

  • Dracula: [to Harker] Transylvania is not England. Our ways are not your ways. And to you there shall be many strange things.

  • Dracula: [to Jonathan Harker] They say you are a man of good... taste.

  • Dracula: [having just spotted Mina in the streets of London] See me. See me now.

  • Dracula: I shall rise from my own death, to avenge hers with all the powers of darkness.

  • [Jonathan accidentally had a cut while shaving]

    Jonathan Harker: I didn't hear you coming in.

    Dracula: Take care how you cut yourself. It is more dangerous than you think.

    [Dracula breaks the mirror]

    Dracula: A foul bauble of man's vanity. Perhaps you should grow a beard.

    [He licks the blood off the razor]

    Dracula: The letters I requested, have you written them?

    [Harker hands him the letters]

    Dracula: Good. Should you leave these rooms, you will not by any chance go to sleep in any other part of the castle. It is old and has many bad memories. Be warned.

  • [last lines]

    Mina: [narrating] There, in the presence of God, I understood at last how love could release us all from the power of darkness. Our love is stronger than death.

    Dracula: Give me peace.

    Mina: [impales him with the sword, then kisses him, then beheads him]

  • Dracula: You will, I trust, excuse me if I do not join you. But, I have already dined, and I never drink... wine.

    Jonathan Harker: [looks at painting on the wall] An ancestor? I see a resemblance.

    Dracula: The Order of the Dracul, the Dragon. An ancient society, pledging my forefathers to defend the church against all enemies of Christ. Their relationship was not entirely... successful.

    Jonathan Harker: Oh.


    Jonathan Harker: Yes.

    Dracula: [roars with rage as he draws a sword and points it at Harker's throat] It is no laughing matter! We Draculs have a right to be proud! What devil or witch was ever so great as Atilla, whose blood flows in these veins? Blood...


    Dracula: Is too precious a thing in these times. The war-like days are over. The victories of my great race are but a tale to be told. I am the last of my kind.

    Jonathan Harker: I have offended you with my ignorance, Count. Forgive me.

  • Dracula: Renfield, you have betrayed me!

  • [to Mina about the wolf]

    Dracula: He likes you.

  • Dracula: I drink to love. A union to last throughout eternity. A love free from all material needs.

  • Dracula: You admire my ring?

    Rita: When I look at it, I see glimpses of a strange world. A world of people who are dead and yet alive.

    Dracula: It is the place from which I've just returned.

    Rita: It frightens me.

    Dracula: Wear it. It will drive away your fears.

  • Dracula: You shall pay, black prince. I shall place a curse of suffering on you that will doom you to a living hell. I curse you with my name. You shall be... Blacula!

  • Dracula: [to Paul] But you are. Before the castle was destroyed, strangers were always welcome. Please be seated. While your room is being prepared, you will take some wine?

  • Julie: Stop! Stop! Let me go! Let me go!

    Klove: Have I pleased you, Master? Am I forgiven?

    Dracula: You have done well.

  • Dracula: I am known as the Count of Darkness, the Lord of the Manor of Corpathia.


  • Dracula: And all those who would meddle in the destinies of Frankenstein and Dracula... will see an infernal bloodbath the likes of which has not swept the Earth before!

  • Dracula: My coffin awaits you becoming immortal in its embrace!

  • Dracula: No, him! Him! Him! No! Him! Him!

  • Dracula: If I'm a alive, what am I doing here? But on the other hand, if I'm dead, why do I have to wee-wee?

  • Dracula: I don't even have my own fangs anymore. But in the old days, in my time of youth, I had magnificent fangs. All the ladies would say I was hung like a walrus!

  • Dracula: A vampire crying? You're a disgrace!

  • Dracula: Enough of this folderol, you sentimental suction pump!

  • Nocturna: I'm in love!

    Dracula: Ah, it's infatuation. You have no right to love! You can use men for nourishment only! And when the time comes, for procreation, but only with one of your own kind.

  • Dracula: My granddaughter, Nocturna, has run off with some meandering minstrel, some vagrant vocalist. I've come to take her back!

  • Dracula: I tell you, it's tough getting old. You young people don't realize how miserable old age can be. But just once, I'd like to be able to sink my fangs into a pliant, fleshy neck. These lousy dentures start slipping every time I try!

  • Dracula: It's time you got married. You're the last of our line and pushing 126. What about that handsome young werewolf in the next valley?

    Nocturna: Grampa, now stop rushing me! I'm in no hurry to get married!

  • Dracula: I don't like to interfere in your life, but lately I get the feeling that you're distracted. To a vampire, that could be fatal!

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