Dr. Soran Quotes in Star Trek: Generations (1994)


Dr. Soran Quotes:

  • Dr. Soran: Have you ever considered a prosthesis that would make you look a little more... how can I say... more normal?

    Geordi: What's normal?

    Dr. Soran: "What's normal?" Well, that's a good question. Normal is what everyone else is and you are not.

  • Dr. Soran: They say time is the fire in which we burn. Right now, Captain, my time is running out. We leave so many things unfinished in our lives.


    Dr. Soran: I know you understand.

  • Picard: What you're about to do, Soran, is no different from when the Borg destroyed your world. They killed millions too. Including your wife, your children.

    Dr. Soran: [smiles, sighs] Nice try. You know there was a time that I wouldn't hurt a fly. Then the Borg came, and they showed me that if there is one constant in this whole universe, it's death. Afterwards, I began to realize that it didn't really matter. We're all going to die sometime. It's just a question of how and when. You will too, Captain. Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you?

    [enters control room of missle launcher]

    Dr. Soran: It's like a predator; it's stalking you. Oh, you can try and outrun it with doctors, medicines, new technologies. But in the end, time is going to hunt you down... and make the kill.

    Picard: It's our mortality that defines us, Soran. It's part of the truth of our existence.

    Dr. Soran: What if I told you I found a new truth?

    Picard: The Nexus?

    Dr. Soran: Time has no meaning there. The predator has no teeth.

  • Dr. Soran: [holding Kirk at gunpoint] Actually, I am familiar with history, Captain. And if I'm not too much mistaken, you're dead.

  • Dr. Soran: [Kirk confronts Soran] Just who the hell are you?

    Picard: He's James T. Kirk. Don't you read history?

  • Dr. Soran: Welcome, Captain. You must think I'm quite the madman.

    Picard: The thought had crossed my mind.

  • Dr. Soran: Now, if you'll have to excuse me, Captain. I have an appointment with eternity and I don't want to be late.

  • Dr. Soran: [Soran plans to destroy a populated star system] Now if you don't mind, I'm rather busy.

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Characters on Star Trek: Generations (1994)