Dr. Michael Foy Quotes in The Cheyenne Social Club (1970)


Dr. Michael Foy Quotes:

  • Dr. Michael Foy: [Hawking his wonder elixir, "Blue Nectar," before a small crowd, as John and Harley first ride into town] Step right up, folks... You've heard about it, you've read about it, and for years you've looked forward to it - that ancient remedy from Ireland, the wonder of which I smuggled into this country at great personal risk to meself. And now, for the first time in Cheyenne... Dr. Foy's Blue Nectar!

    Dr. Michael Foy: [Holds bottle up] It cures warts, opens the bowels, prolongs life...

    Dr. Michael Foy: [Catches sight of Harley, who is smiling skeptically] Now don't smile, mister, because I have here today the living proof of what I tell ya': Mr. C. Y. Yancey.

    Dr. Michael Foy: [Motions to an ancient-looking old man sitting next to him on the platform] Now, at the tender age of 8, Mr. Yancey contracted the most horrible, incurable disease - the name of which I can't mention to Christian people. He began taking this potent elixir, and now, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Yancey is one hundred and eleven years old, thanks to the preservative and health-rendering powers of Blue Nectar!

    Dr. Michael Foy: [the old man, having taken a swig from a bottle of Blue Nectar, gets up and starts to dance a jig] The good people of New Orleans stood in line in the rain for the rare opportunity of paying one dollar for a bottle of this miracle medicine. Today, I'm letting it go for fifty cents!

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