Dr. Livingstone Quotes in The Meaning of Life (1983)


Dr. Livingstone Quotes:

  • Ainsworth: During the night, old Perkins got his leg bitten sort of... off.

    Dr. Livingstone: Ah, been in the wars, have we?

    Perkins: Yes.

    Dr. Livingstone: Ah, any headache? Bowels all right? Hm. Well, let's have a look at this "one leg" of yours, then, eh? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes...

    [Pokes the stump with his pipe]

    Dr. Livingstone: Yes yes. Yes, well, this is nothing to worry about.

    Perkins: Oh, good.

    Dr. Livingstone: Yes, there's a lot of it around, probably a virus. Keep warm, plenty of rest, and if you're playing football or anything, try and favor the other leg.

  • Dr. Livingstone: What we're looking for here for is, I think - and this is no more than an educated guess, I'd like to make that clear - is some multicellular life form with stripes, huge razor-sharp teeth, about eleven feet long, and of the genus felis horribilis - what we doctors, in fact, call a 'tiger'.

    AinsworthPerkinsPakenham: A TIGER?

  • Dr. Livingstone: You might be interested in a bit of news I got today: Preston Dillard's coming back. Arrives Friday on the packet.

    Aunt Belle: What brings him?

    Dr. Livingstone: This yellow fever business. We two stand together on what ought to be done about it. Now it's busted loose, he's coming back.

    Aunt Belle: It's high time. I suspect I know Julie like nobody ever will. Every crook and cranny of her.

    Dr. Livingstone: You ought to, Miss Belle. She's more like you than you ever were.

    Aunt Belle: Maybe I love her most when she's her meanest, because I know that's when she's loving most.

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