different between slightly vs narrowly




slight +? -ly


  • IPA(key): /?sla?tli/
  • Hyphenation: slight?ly


slightly (comparative more slightly, superlative most slightly)

  1. Slenderly; delicately.
    He was slightly built, but tall.
  2. (degree) To a small extent or degree.
    He weighed slightly less than his wife who was a foot shorter.
    Synonyms: a little, marginally, somewhat
    Antonyms: quite, very

Usage notes

Slightly is often used by the English to mean almost the opposite, something like rather. For example, "The big picture here of course is that still staggeringly low numbers of these migrants are being hired though, isn't it? And despite these rather positive tales we've just heard, there seems to be a broader, slightly grimmer picture which perhaps will have a lesson for other countries thinking of receiving migrants." (Ed Butler on BBC Business Daily, Sept. 23, 2016)


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From Middle English narowly, equivalent to narrow +? -ly.


  • (General American) IPA(key): /?n??o?li/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?næ???li/
  • (Marymarrymerry distinction) IPA(key): /?næ?o?li/


narrowly (comparative more narrowly, superlative most narrowly)

  1. In a narrow manner; without flexibility or latitude.
    They regarded the new idea rather narrowly.
  2. By a narrow margin; closely.
    They narrowly escaped collision.
    • 1859, George Meredith, The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, Chapter 13:
      One inconsequent dream he related, about fancying himself quite young and rich, and finding himself suddenly in a field cropping razors around him, when, just as he had, by steps dainty as those of a French dancing-master, reached the middle, he to his dismay beheld a path clear of the blood, thirsty steel-crop, which he might have taken at first had he looked narrowly; and there he was.


narrowly From the web:

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  • what narrowly mean
  • narrowly what does mean
  • narrowly what part of speech
  • what does narrowly tailored mean
  • what is narrowly utilitarian
  • what is narrowly defined good

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