Diane Pazinski Quotes in Ri¢hie Ri¢h (1994)


Diane Pazinski Quotes:

  • Herbert Cadbury: Well... I'm already wanted for attempted murder, escaping from jail, and blowing up an aircraft. Breaking and entering sounds right up my alley. Let's kick some butt, shall we?

    Diane Pazinski: Let's!

  • [upon seeing that Richie's adult-caliber schedule keeps him too busy to play with Gloria and her friends]

    Diane Pazinski: Poor kid.

    Dave Walter: Poor kid? What are you talking about? He's the richest kid in the world!

    Diane Pazinski: You don't have children, do you, Dave?

  • Diane Pazinski: You got a first name?

    Herbert Cadbury: Of course.

    Diane Pazinski: And?

    Herbert Cadbury: [pause] Herbert.

    Diane Pazinski: Herb!

    Herbert Cadbury: No, it's HERBERT. I'm not a seasoning.

  • Diane Pazinski: [after Herbert pulls Diane close against his body to save her from being run over by the four-wheeling children] Do I detect a rising fire sign, Herbert?

    Herbert Cadbury: [Embarrassed pause] You, Diane,


    Herbert Cadbury: are a Capricorn.

    Diane Pazinski: Hey, how did you know that?

  • Diane Pazinski: Are you a Sagittarius?

    Herbert Cadbury: No, Madam.

    Diane Pazinski: Pisces.

    Herbert Cadbury: No, Madam.

    Diane Pazinski: Leo!

    Herbert Cadbury: No, I'm a Taurus.

    Diane Pazinski: I knew it! The bull...

    Herbert Cadbury: [sigh] Correct, Madam.

  • Richie Rich: [seeing his gentle dignified friend clad in the would-be hitman's hideous punk-biker's costume of glossy black fabric imprinted with hundreds of tiny white human skulls] You know, Cadbury, that get-up really doesn't go with your personality.

    Herbert Cadbury: Yeah, I know. I was lucky to be able to hold onto my own underwear.

    Diane Pazinski: [seeing Cadbury disguised as the hoodlum] Whoa, look who's slummin'!

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