Defense Attorney Quotes in Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940)


Defense Attorney Quotes:

  • Defense Attorney: So while no cures can be attributed to '606,' 38 deaths resulted from it's use?

    Dr. Emil Von Behring: 39.

    Defense Attorney: 39? You know of another death?

    Dr. Emil Von Behring: Yes, syphilis. The death of syphilis itself.

    Dr. Hans Wolfert: Dr. von Behring you have written and lectured against the Ehrlich theory.

    Dr. Emil Von Behring: Yes, I did, Dr. Wolfert, but you must understand it is the task of science to discover the truth. There is no shame attached to the recognition of error.

  • Clerk: Do you swear on the Constitution of the United States to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

    Witness: Ain't no thing.

    [he slaps the clerk's book and the clerk uses his book to slap the witnesses hand as if "giving fives" to each other]

    Defense Attorney: [approaches the witness as he sits down in the witness stand] Would you describe, in your own words, what happened that night?

    Witness: Check it, bleed. Bro... was ON! Didn't trip. But the folks was freakin', Man. Hey, and the pilots were laid to the bone, Homes.

    [the stenographer wears sunglasses and sways back and forth as he types]

    Witness: So Blood hammered out and jammed jet ship. Tightened that bad sucker inside the runway like a mother. Shit.

  • [Presenting a dog to the courtroom]

    Prosecuting Attorney: Exhibit 2, please. Now, generals of the jury, I will prove with this exhibit...

    Defense Attorney: Your honor, I object! I object to having this witness called an exhibit!

    Prosecuting Attorney: She IS an exhibit!

    Defense Attorney: He's a witness!

    Prosecuting Attorney: She is not!

    Defense Attorney: He is!

    Judge: Objection sustained. From now on, the prosecution will refer to Exhibit #2 as Witness #1.

  • Judge: [after Ness has discovered Capone bribed the jury to acquit him] Bailiff, I want you to go next door to Judge Hawton's court, where they've just begun hearing a divorce action. I want you to bring that jury in here, and take this jury to his court. Bailiff, are those instructions clear?

    Bailiff: [puzzled] Yes, sir, they're... clear...

    Capone: [to his attorney] What's he talking about? What is it?

    Judge: Bailiff, I want you to switch the juries.

    Bailiff: Yes sir.

    Defense Attorney: Your honor, I object!

    Judge: Overruled.

  • Judge Alvarez: Richard Seymore Penning, Jr.

    Defense Attorney: He prefers, uh, "Rick," Your Honor.

    Judge Alvarez: [staring down at the attorney] Counselor, considering this young man's drunk-driving career, he is fresh out of what HE prefers. Do we understand?

  • Defense Attorney: Do you engage in sex in public places with ALL your friends?

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