Dave Kujan Quotes in The Usual Suspects (1995)


Dave Kujan Quotes:

  • Dave Kujan: Do you believe in him, Verbal?

    Verbal: Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.

  • Dave Kujan: First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down.

  • Verbal: Where's your head, Agent Kujan? Where do you think the pressure's coming from? Keyser Soze - or whatever you want to call him - he knows where I am right now. He's got the front burner under your ass to let me go so he can scoop me up ten minutes later. Immunity was just a deal with you assholes. I got a whole new problem when I post bail.

    Dave Kujan: So why play into his hands? We can protect you.

    Verbal: Oh, gee, thanks, Dave. Bang-up job so far. Extortion, coercion. You'll pardon me if I ask you to kiss my pucker. The same fuckers that rounded us up and sank us into this mess are gonna bail me out? Fuck you. You think you can catch Keyser Soze? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught and sticks his head out? If he comes up for anything, it will be to get rid of me. After that... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.

  • Dave Kujan: You know a dealer named Ruby Deamer, Verbal?

    Verbal: You know a religious guy named John Paul?

    Dave Kujan: You know Ruby's in Attica?

    Verbal: He didn't have my lawyer.

  • Dave Kujan: Keaton was Keyser Söze!

    Verbal: Noo!

    Dave Kujan: The kind of man who can wrangle the wills of men like Hawkney and McManus. The kind of man who could engineer a police line-up, for all these years of contacts in NYPD. The kind of man who could kill Edie Finneran. *3 Seconds of silence* She was found yesterday in a hotel in Pennsylvania, shot twice in the head.

  • Verbal: [referring to Rabin] That guy is tense. Tension is a killer. I used to be in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois. The baritone was this guy named Kip Diskin, big fat guy, I mean, like, orca fat. He was so stressed in the morning...

    Dave Kujan: Verbal, you know we're trying to help you.

    Verbal: Sure, and I appreciate that. And I wanna help you, Agent Kujan. I like cops. I would've liked to have been a fed myself, but my CP...

    Dave Kujan: Verbal, you're not telling us everything. I know you know something.

    Verbal: I told the DA everything I know.

    Dave Kujan: Verbal, I know you like Keaton. I know you think he's a good man.

    Verbal: I know he was good.

    Dave Kujan: He was a corrupt cop.

    Verbal: Sure, 15 years ago, but he was a good thief. Anyway, the cops wouldn't let him go legit.

    Dave Kujan: Dean Keaton was a piece of shit.

    Verbal: Are you trying to get a rise out of me, Agent Kujan?

    Dave Kujan: I just wanna hear your story.

    Verbal: It's all there. May I have a cigarette?

  • Jack Baer, FBI: They tell me you got the cripple from New York in there. He mention Keyser Soze?

    Dave Kujan: Who?

    Jack Baer, FBI: Bear with me here...

    Dave Kujan: [Kujan bursts into Rabin's office] Who's Keyser Soze?

    Verbal: Ohhh, fuck!

  • Dave Kujan: Of course, I can't prove this. But I can't prove the best part either... Dean Keaton was dead. Did you know that? He died in a fire two years ago during the investigation into the murder of a witness who was going to testify against him. Two people watched Dean Keaton walk into a warehouse he owned just before it blew up. They said he went in to check a leaking gas main. It blew up and took all of Dean Keaton with it. Within three months of the explosion, the two witnesses, they were dead. One killed himself in his car; the other fell down an open elevator shaft.

  • Dave Kujan: A rumor's not a rumor that doesn't die...

    Jeff Rabin: What?

    Dave Kujan: Nothing.

  • Verbal: The DA gave me immunity.

    Dave Kujan: Not from me. You get no immunity from me, you piece of shit. Every criminal I have put in prison, every cop that owes me a favor, every creep and scumbag that walks the streets for a living will know the name of Verbal Kint. Now you talk to me, or that precious immunity they seem so fit to grant you won't be worth the paper the contract put out on your life is printed on.

  • Verbal: I came clean; I told it like it happened on the boat. So what if I left out how I got there. It was so full of holes the DA would have told me to blow amnesty up my ass. So you got what you wanted out of me, so big fucking deal.

    Dave Kujan: So that's why you never told the DA.

    Verbal: You tell me, Agent Kujan, if I told you the Loch Ness Monster hired me to hit the harbor, what would you say?

    Dave Kujan: Turn state's evidence; we'll put you on the stand. We'll hear it out.

    Verbal: I've got immunity now, what could you possibly offer me?

  • Dave Kujan: Man, you're a slob.

    Jeff Rabin: Yeah, but it all has a system, Dave. It all makes sense when you look at it right. You gotta, like stand back from it, you know? You want to see a real horror show? See my garage.

  • Dave Kujan: He was dead just long enough for the murder rap to blow over. And then he had lunch.

  • Verbal: Can I get some coffee?

    Dave Kujan: In a while. Let's talk about the lineup.

    Verbal: I'm really thirsty. I used to dehydrate as a kid. One time it got so bad my piss came out like snot. I'm not kidding, it was all thick and gooey.

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