Danni Quotes in The Core (2003)


Danni Quotes:

  • Dr. Josh Keyes: Do this and I'll sign your doctorates blindfolded.

    Danni: Blindfolded?

    Dr. Josh Keyes: Blindfolded. Do not pass go. Go directly to PhD.

  • Danni: Nice horn.

    Laura Forester: Thanks. Nice boobs.

    Danni: Thanks.

    Laura Forester: I have a training bra but I don't like to wear it 'cause it itches.

    Danni: Tell me about it! Who are you waiting for?

    Laura Forester: My brother Jake, he's seventeen. He'll like your boobs too.

    Danni: They all do.

  • Julie Forester: Are you sure you can do this?

    Danni: You better believe it.

    [climbing on the rope]

    Danni: I don't pole dance for nothing!

    Julie Forester: [to Jake] You've got a lot of explaining to do, young man!

  • Social Worker: [the police and social welfare people have arrived to close the store, arrest Danni's father and put her in foster care... a crowd outside has gathered] We'll make arrangements with your mother to have the inventory accounted for.

    Michael Dunn: [rushing in] They made this happen, didn't they?

    Danni: [crying] Nobody made this happen.

    [Dunn embraces her]

    Danni: I just don't want you to be sad... 'cause I'm not. Promise?

    Michael Dunn: [fighting tears] No.

    Social Worker: We have to go.

    Michael Dunn: [running up to car Danni has just been loaded in] Well, hey listen, I'm glad I got to dance with you

    [car speeds off, leaving a dazed Dunn in the street]

    Rooney: Don't worry, Dunn... we'll find her.

  • Danni: You're not like those other jerks, are you?

    Michael Dunn: I just got here.

  • [Dunn leaves the school dance, and comes into Danni's bar, she's not there so he goes into her house, and Danni sees him]

    Danni: What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael Dunn: The door was open, I was looking for you. I guess I shouldn't have just come in, huh?

    Danni: Damn straight you shouldn't have just come in.

    Michael Dunn: I'm sorry I just wanted to talk.

    Danni: Get out of here, ok!

    Michael Dunn: [while leaving] Sorry, I just wanted to dance with you.

  • Danni: Do you ever get tired of being chickenshit?

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