Dan Foreman Quotes in In Good Company (2004)


Dan Foreman Quotes:

  • Carter Duryea: Dan, you seem to have the perfect marriage. How do you do it?

    Dan Foreman: You just pick the right one to be in the foxhole with, and then when you're outside of the foxhole you keep your dick in your pants.

    Carter Duryea: That's poetic.

  • Dan Foreman: [picking up another phone to interrupt his daughter's phone conversation with her new boyfriend] Hello, this is Mr. Foreman. If you give my daughter an alcoholic beverage or a joint, I will hunt you down and neuter you.

  • Dan Foreman: We made a deal, remember? We made a deal we'd always be honest with one another.

    Alex Foreman: Dad, I was like five years old when we made that deal.

    Dan Foreman: Yeah, I liked you better then.

  • Dan Foreman: You seem jumpy Carter, did you switch from mocha to crack?

  • Dan Foreman: Guys, I feel very terrible about what I'm about to say. But I'm afraid your both being let go.

    Lou: Let go? What does that mean?

    Dan Foreman: It means you're being fired, Louie.

  • Dan Foreman: [referring to how Morty is handling unemployment] How are you?

    Morty: Not so good, not so good. I mean psychologically.

    Dan Foreman: I'm sorry.

    Morty: That's OK. Anyway, my wife got a promotion. I'm hoping she'll raise my allowance.

  • Eugene Kalb: Thanks for the Laker tickets.

    Dan Foreman: You bet.

    Eugene Kalb: Seats were terrific. But I'm still not going to advertise in the magazine. My son-in-law tells me that people don't read much any more. Too much effort moving eyes back and forth. So we're gonna put most of our budget into television, radio, internet.

    Dan Foreman: Okay.

    Eugene Kalb: Okay? What does that mean?

    Dan Foreman: I'm not gonna try to sell you.

    Eugene Kalb: Why the hell not? You're a salesman.

    Dan Foreman: Yeah. Just not a very good one, that's all.

    Eugene Kalb: I'll say.

    Dan Foreman: But I am going to ask you one favor.

    Eugene Kalb: Oh, yeah?

    Dan Foreman: I'm gonna leave you an issue of the magazine and I'm personnally gonna send you a new one every week. Now, I'll call you in a few weeks, and if you want to we'll talk. There's a great article in there comparing today's quarterbacks with Johnny Unitas.

    Eugene Kalb: Unitas would kick their butts. So this is your sales pitch?

    Dan Foreman: I've been with the magazine for 20 years. I believe in it.

  • Eugene Kalb: My son-in-law says I'm a dinosaur.

    Dan Foreman: Hey, don't knock the dinosaurs. They ruled the earth for millions of years. They must've been going something right.

  • Dan Foreman: [about her being pregnant] Holy crap. Are you sure?

    Ann Foreman: Yeah.

    Dan Foreman: Does it feel like a boy?

    Ann Foreman: Right now, it feels like a stomach flu.

  • Ann Foreman: [whispers] I'm pregnant

    Dan Foreman: What? I'm sorry, I thought you just said that you were pregnant.

    Ann Foreman: Yeah.

    Dan Foreman: You can't be pregnant.

    Ann Foreman: Yeah I can, I am

    Dan Foreman: Yeah, how could that happen?

    Ann Foreman: Well I think that you were there too.

  • Dan Foreman: [about her being pregnant] This is fine, this is fine. That means, when he's twenty one, ill be... seventy two.

    Ann Foreman: Seventy three.

    Dan Foreman: Seventy two.

    Ann Foreman: Seventy three.

    Dan Foreman: Holy crap.

  • Carter Duryea: I'm gonna have to let some people go.

    Dan Foreman: Why do you say let them go? They don't WANT to go. Why don't you just say fire them?

    Carter Duryea: Because it sounds better.

    Dan Foreman: Not to the person getting fired it doesn't.

  • Dan Foreman: [to host] I'll drop kick you across the restaurant.

  • Carter Duryea: Wow, you really believe in this stuff, huh?

    Dan Foreman: Of course. Why else would I do it?

  • Dan Foreman: You're pregnant? Holy crap! Does it feel like a boy?

    Ann Foreman: Right now it feels like the stomach flu.

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