Curran Quotes in Navy Seals (1990)


Curran Quotes:

  • Curran: Hawkins... blow it!

    Hawkins: Sorry, boss. I can't do that.

    Ramos: Sounds like an order to me, Lieutenant...

    Hawkins: Fuck his order!

  • Curran: [to Dane over the radio] God, I've got company up here...

    Terrorist: You're American?

    Curran: God, come in God...

    Terrorist: Your God does not help you now!

    [Dane gets a shot off, killing the Terrorist just before he dies]

  • Pilot: Lieutenant, you guys are incredible. Thank you.

    Curran: There's no reason to thank us because we don't exist. You never saw us. This never happened.

    Hawkins: One more thing: you're welcome.

  • Curran: This is starting to piss me off now cool out!

    Hawkins: Oh I am cool. You should see me when I'm hot.

  • Curran: [to Claire as they watch Hawkins kiss the glass from inside the dive tank] Let's leave before he presses something else on the glass!

  • Curran: Why'd you leave the doorway? Were you looking for a rush, a little rush? Well, I hope you got it. Because you just toasted a man you put in his grave.

  • Hawkins: [driving on a bridge on the way to a wedding] I'm sorry guys but I cannot be a part of this funeral procession. I'm out of here

    [he jumps off the moving jeep, over the bridge and dives down in to the water about twenty feet below while shouting]

    Hawkins: SEE YOU LATERRRR!

    Chief Billy Graham: Whoa, did you see that, that guy's a crazy man!

    [they throw him his coat]

    Hawkins: THANK YOU!

    Curran: [to Graham] I hope he dies of pneumonia.

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Characters on Navy Seals (1990)