Crasher Quotes in GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords (1986)


Crasher Quotes:

  • Cy-Kill: I won't miss twice.

    [the scepter begins to take on a life of its own]

    Cy-Kill: What's happening?

    Slimestone: [as the Rocklord Warlords look on] It serves him right.

    Marbles: If he doesn't let go of the scepter soon its powers will start to overwhelm him.

    Cy-Kill: Help! It's melting in my hand.

    Crasher: Cy-Kill! What do we do?

    Talc: Let's get out of here.

    Fitor: I'm with you.

    Crasher: Oh okay.

    Cy-Kill: Help!

    Leader-1: [sighs] I know I'm going to regret this later.

    [Leader-1 shoots the scepter out of Cy-Kill's hand. The scepter then begins to fly over top of Stonehenge and then disappears leaving only Magmar's battle axe]

    Scooter: Leader-1?

    Cy-Kill: Wait for me you imbiciles!

  • Cy-Kill: I'm losing my patience! Which is Magmar?

    Solitaire: Very well, I suppose it makes no difference now.

    [Solitaire points to Boulder]

    Solitaire: That's Magmar leading the charge.

    Cy-Kill: Blast *that* rock!

    Solitaire: What? No!

    Crasher: I'll reduce him to sand! Ha ha ha!

    Solitaire: Why attack Magmar?

    Cy-Kill: Because you're not a very convincing liar. Ha ha ha ha!

  • Crasher: [to Solitaire upon seeing Cordax for the first time] What a primitive place. Ha ha! You can't tell the inhabitants from their surroundings. You call that a city? Huh?

  • Crasher: [trying to insult Tombstone] You rock! You stone! You worse-than-senseless thing...

Browse more character quotes from GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords (1986)
