Crane Quotes in Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)


Crane Quotes:

  • Mantis: [they stand outside a ship run aground in a desert after Masters Bear and Croc ran in] We gotta get in there.

    Crane: But Master Shifu said...

    Mantis: You're seriously afraid? Even Master Chicken's going in, and he's a *chicken*!

  • Crane: [Crane is flying, with Mantis on his hat] Wings of surveillance!

    Mantis: Why do you do that?

    Crane: Do what?

    Mantis: Just 'cause you say "wings of" before something, it doesn't mean that you're doing a special move. It's like me saying "antenna of power!" or "thorax of... making sandwiches!"

    Crane: Wings of disagreement.

  • Crane: Master, what are we going to do?

    Shifu: *You* are going to find out where Kai is. Follow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces Kai becomes stronger.

    Crane: Why me? Is it because I asked?

    Shifu: No. It is because you can fly. Go

    Mantis: Should have kept your beak shut!

    Shifu: And take Mantis.

    Mantis: What? Oh man, is it because I...

    Shifu: Yes.

  • Kai: [to Crane] Your chi is strong, just like your friend,

    [brandishes Mantis talisman]

    Kai: the bug.

    Crane: Mantis!

    [tries to attack Kai but is overpowered]

    Kai: Don't worry, little birdie. I'll put your chi to good use: destroying the Jade Palace and *everyone* in it.

    Crane: No!

    [kicks barrel at Kai, then flies off, but is caught]

    Crane: Wings of... Regret!

  • Tigress: One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu.

    Crane: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.

    Monkey: Or even see his toes.

  • Po: [dazed] What are you pointing at? Oh! Okay. Sorry, I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.

    Oogway: How interesting.

    Tigress: Master, are you pointing at... me?

    Oogway: Him.

    Po: Who?

    [Moves around, Oogway's finger follows him]

    Oogway: You.

    Po: What?

    Oogway: [Raising Po's arm with his stick] The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!

    Po: What?

    TigressCraneMonkeyMantisViper: What?

    Shifu: WHAT?

    Mr. Ping: WHAT?

  • Crane: Look, you don't belong here.

    Po: Yeah. Yeah. I know. It's just... All my life I have dreamed of...

    Crane: I mean you don't belong here, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane.

  • Po: The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened! Where I came from! Who I am.


    Po: Look, I'm going. I have to know. The hardcore can't understand.

    [Tigress lunges at Po]

    Viper: Tigress, no!

    [Tigress hugs Po; Crane's jaw drops]

    Tigress: The hardcore DO understand. But I can't watch my friend be killed.

    [pulls away]

    Tigress: [to the rest] We're going.

    Crane: Uh, maybe you can't watch *me* be killed?

    Tigress: Stop being a wimp.

    Monkey: ...And, she's back.

  • Monkey: At the first sign of trouble, I'll give you a signal. Ka-Ka! Kee-Kee!

    Po: You mean like Crane does?

    Monkey: Yeah.

    Crane: Excuse me? When have I ever make that noise?

  • Crane: So that was stealth mode?

    Po: Yeah, to be honest, not one of my stronger modes.

  • Crane: It's calling you, isn't it?

    Sean Barker: What do you mean?

    Crane: Calls me too. We are both same children.


    Crane: Sean, I know who you are. I know you're in pain. I'm like you.

    Sean Barker: I don't know what you're talking about!

    Crane: We are the bastards... of uncaring parents! We've been violated. Our lives have been changed against our will... Sean, I know what's been like for you... for me! You've lost friends and lovers, haven't you?

    Sean Barker: I...

    Crane: So have I! We're forced to live secret lives. Trust me.

    [Crane changes himself to a horrible Zoanoid]

    Sean Barker: Shit...

    Crane: I know! Look at me! I'm hideous! Do you think I wanna be this way? A freak? That's why we are here! To take back our lives! Somewhere in this ship, is the key to changing us back! Let's find it together! we can take the Guyver out of you! We can make normal again! Isn't that what you want?

    Sean Barker: I don't know... you are killers!

    Crane: And so are you!

    Sean Barker: It's the one who kills, not me!

    Crane: Then let's help you! We can make it stop! What you say... friends?

    Sean Barker: [confused] ... No!

    Crane: Pity...

    [Sean is hit with a club and falls on the floor]

  • Guyver: The aliens created the Guyvers to fix their mistakes!

    Crane: You're the mistake. I'm the final product!

  • Crane: You know, that's only going to piss him off.

  • Crane: What are you doing freak? Why are you attacking your own kind - We could have helped you.

    Guyver: I'm not a freak, and I'm not like you! You threaten mankind, I protect it!

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