Corey Bannister Quotes in The Cheyenne Social Club (1970)


Corey Bannister Quotes:

  • John O'Hanlan: You ever hear about what we do down in Texas to a man who beats up on a woman?

    Corey Bannister: Suppose you tell me?

    John O'Hanlan: We drag him through cactus.

    Corey Bannister: No cactus around here.

    John O'Hanlan: So I noticed.

  • Corey Bannister: -

    [Approaches John's dinner table in the saloon]

    Corey Bannister: Mind if I sit down?

    John O'Hanlan: Not at all. Not at all. Here... have a cigar?

    Corey Bannister: Never use 'em... You know what I don't like about you? You and those women of yours think they're better than everybody else. I was out at that place of yours, once. She insulted me. That one called Jenny? The way she acts, you'd think she was the Queen of England. She said I smelled bad. Heh! Wouldn't even let me hold her hand unless I took a bath.

    John O'Hanlan: Well, did ya'?

    Corey Bannister: Did I what?

    John O'Hanlan: Take a bath.

    Corey Bannister: You must be soft between the head handles, mister. This here territory's FULL of women you don't have to smell like lilac water just to get next to.

    John O'Hanlan: I'll bet that's the dyin' truth. Now if you don't mind, I'll eat my beefsteak.

    Corey Bannister: No, sir. I don't like you at all.

    [Glaring, gets up and leaves John's table]

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