Cop at Hospital Quotes in Overboard (1987)


Cop at Hospital Quotes:

  • Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: [Grant has just arrived at the hospital; she doesn't know he's right outside, behind a one-way mirror] ... You mean to tell me that I have no medical recourse...?

    Grant Stayton: Can she see us?

    Cop at Hospital: Not unless she's got x-ray vision or something.

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: ...Well, what DO you know? Extend your brain a teensy little bit, if possible.

    Doctor at Hospital: You seem to be suffering from a temporary amnesia...

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: How TEMPORARY is it?

    Doctor at Hospital: We don't know. Other than that, you seem to be in excellent physical shape.

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: Listen to me, medical people. As of now, I have a life history of a DIRTY garbage scow and a breakfast of EXTREMELY RUNNY eggs-over-easy. Now I REFUSE to be INCARCERATED in this semiprivate room -

    [turns to the only other patient in the room]

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: You SNORE! - while there are no efforts being made by anyone to try and locate...!

    Cop at Hospital: [to Grant, still outside Joanna's room] ... Is that your wife, sir?

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: ...I DEMAND you do something! Do you hear me...?

    Grant Stayton: [to the Cop] ... No, I never saw her before in my life.

    [He leaves; later, back on Joanna's yacht "Immaculata"]

    Grant Stayton: ... Mrs. Stayton has decided to leave me. Let's celebrate!

  • Grant Stayton: Can she see us?

    Cop at Hospital: Not unless she's Superwoman

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: [on the other side of the one way window] Listen to me, medical people!. As of now, I have a light history of a dirty garbage scow and a breakfast of extremely runny eggs over easy. I refuse, REFUSE

    [throws an object]

    Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt: to be incercerated in this semi-private room while there are no efforts being made.

    Cop at Hospital: Is that her?

    Grant Stayton: No, I've never seen her before in my life!

  • [the officer at the hospital pulls out the photos and Joanna's panties from a parcel envelope]

    Cop at Hospital: Nice panties! J.S., she didn't know what that meant?

    Dean Proffitt: See she wouldn't, I bought them for her at a garage sale.

    Cop at Hospital: Yeah, I bought my wife a garter at a yard sale once too.

    Dean Proffitt: I'm sure you did.

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