Computer Voice Quotes in Alien³ (1992)


Computer Voice Quotes:

  • [first lines]

    Computer Voice: Stasis interrupted. Fire in cryogenic compartment. Repeat, fire in cryogenic compartment. All personnel report to emergency escape vehicle launch pod. Deep-space flight will commence in T-minus twenty seconds.

  • Sam Flynn: [the Sirens have formed a circle around Sam] Uh, can somebody tell me what the...

    Sam Flynn: [two of the Sirens hold up their pointer fingers which light up and begin dragging their finger down Sam's sides which cut away Sam's clothes] ... Hey, Hey. It's got a zipper...

    Sam Flynn: [a new uniform materializes over Sam] This can't be good.

    Computer Voice: Attention, Program. You will receive, an identity disc. Everything you do, or learn, will be imprinted on this disc. If you, lose your disc, or fail, to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution.

    Siren Jem: [the identity disc is attached to Sam's back, Sam's eyes flash] Marrying complete, disc activated and syncronized, proceed to games.

    Sam Flynn: Games?

    [the Sirens back away and return to their compartments. Sam sees one of the Sirens hesitating before stepping into her chamber]

    Sam Flynn: What am I supposed to do?

    Siren Jem: Survive.

  • Athena: There are things I need to tell you before the final... before the automated program kicks in. I'm a machine, I never thought that was bad until I saw your face when you found out I was.

    Frank Walker: I always knew...

    Athena: No you didn't...

    Computer Voice: Systems failing. Activating last thoughts saved for Frank Walker.


    Athena: Log 15. September. 1965. Frank Walker is looking at me in a manner that is difficult to recognize. It seems imperative to explain to him that I'm an audio-animatronic...

    Frank Walker: Athena...

    Athena: ...But I'm concerned that he may be adversely affected when he finds out that I'm not human. He has potential. I don't want to damage it. He needs someone to believe in him and I am fulfilling that need. He's my top recruit. Log 24. October. 1965. I'm having unusual thoughts towards Frank Walker. I suspect a flaw in my empathy interface. I'm thinking I should report it... but I haven't. I cannot explain why. Log 78. April. 1984. Frank Walker has been banished by Governor Nix. He says he's lost hope and he holds me responsible for having given it to him in the first place. I do not understand this. He says I never will, because I do not feel anger... or disappointment... or love.

    Computer Voice: End recording.

    Athena: I was designed to find dreamers... I found you... and lost you. But I found her... Casey. Dreamers need to stick together. It's not programming, it's personal.

  • Older Canter: I changed the course of human history when I created surrogates. Now I'm going to change it back.

    Tom Greer: You don't change what's been done. You and I know that better than most people.

    Older Canter: My son's death will not have been in vain. Not if it heals mankind.

    Tom Greer: Heals mankind? That's what you want to do? You want to kill everyone? That's going to heal mankind?

    Older Canter: They're already dead. The died the minute they plugged into those machines.

    Tom Greer: This is not the solution.

    Older Canter: That's the way it is.

    Tom Greer: That's not the way it is!

    Older Canter: I had a vision. I was going to empower the powerless. To enable others like me to walk, to feel, to have a normal life.

    Tom Greer: Listen to me! They're going to call you a murderer. That's what you're doing.

    Older Canter: Surrogacy is a perversion. It's an addiction. And you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction.

    Computer Voice: Upload complete.

    Older Canter: You're too late. What I've done can't be stopped. Now you're going to be a witness to the rebirth of humanity. That's my gift to you.

  • Computer Voice: Attention. You are now entering the Debarkation Area. No talking. No smoking. Follow the orange line to the Processing Area. The next scheduled departure to the prison is in two hours. You now have the option to terminate and be cremated on the premises. If you elect this option, notify the Duty Sergeant in your Processing Area.

  • Conspiracy Brother: Atomic Coré... let's see what this so-called button does...

    Computer voice: Attention! Atomic core set to overload

    Conspiracy Brother: My bad!

  • [Scott's e-mail alert sound]

    Computer voice: Mail, mothafucka!

  • Computer voice: Warning. All hell is breaking loose.

  • Computer Voice: [rotating hologram] The Earth woman's reproductive organs are located here.

    [abdomen lights up]

    Computer Voice: The access port is here.

    [lights up]

    Computer Voice: Insertion in any other access port will not result in pregnancy. To get the woman in a receptive mood for insertion, compliment her on these areas.

    [hair, eyes, breasts, buttocks, legs]

    Computer Voice: She will also enjoy being told that she smells nice, and that her footwear is stylish.

  • Computer Voice: [moves its chess piece] Checkmate. Checkmate.

    [MacReady pours his drink into the computer tower, frying it]

    MacReady: Cheating bitch.

  • 1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... All missiles enabled.

    Computer Voice: T-minus thirty.

    Captain Jerry Lawson: Get me Wing Command post on your direct line.

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: That's not the correct procedure, Captain.

    Captain Jerry Lawson: SAC? Try SAC on the HF.

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: That's not the correct procedure...

    Captain Jerry Lawson: Screw the procedure, I want somebody on the goddamn phone before I kill 20 million people!

    Computer Voice: T-minus twenty.

    [LT Phelps tries the phone lines]

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: I got nothing here! They might've been knocked out already.

    Captain Jerry Lawson: Right... On my mark, rotate launch keys to Launch.

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Roger. Ready to go to launch.

    Captain Jerry Lawson: Thirteen... twelve... eleven...

    Computer Voice: [CAPT Lawson takes his hand off the key] Seven... six... five... four...

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: Sir, we have a launch order. Put your hand on your key, sir!

    Captain Jerry Lawson: [softly] I'm sorry...

    Computer Voice: Two... one... Launch!

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: [pulls out his sidearm and aims at CAPT Lawson] Sir, we are at launch, turn your key!

    Captain Jerry Lawson: I'm sorry.

    1st Lieutenant Steve Phelps: [cocks his sidearm] Turn your key, sir!

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