Coley Jones Quotes in The Poppy Is Also a Flower (1966)


Coley Jones Quotes:

  • Coley Jones: Is this place taken?

    [he sits down]

    Coley Jones: Madame, would you mind if I smoked?

    Coley Jones: I noticed you took a pill. I thought perhaps...

    [he waves his packet of cigars at her]

    Monique Marko: huh? Nothing. Small headache.

    Coley Jones: Are you sure the smoke won't distress you?

    Monique Marko: I'm never distressed by smoke. Surely not. But thank you.

    Coley Jones: Not at all. I have a headache myself. I wonder if it would be too much to ask if, eh...

    Monique Marko: The aspirin?

    [she gives him the pills]

    Coley Jones: [knocking her bag off the table] Oh, I am sorry

    Monique Marko: Don't worry. It's not important

    Coley Jones: Very clumsy of me. I'm terribly sorry. Would you allow mw to buy you a drink?

    Monique Marko: No thank you. Alcohol doesn't agree with me.

    Coley Jones: Are you travelling alone?

    Monique Marko: Alone? Oh, no. I always have Toutou

    [picking up her poodle]

    Monique Marko: Dit "bonsoir", Toutou

    Coley Jones: Bonsoir, Toutou. You're a fine looking fella.

    Monique Marko: He loves being flattered.

    Coley Jones: He seems to understand every word you say.

    Monique Marko: Oh, yes. Toutou and I always have conversation. Toutou is most understanding.

    Coley Jones: All my life I've wanted to meet a truly understanding dog. Perhaps we could write to each other. Where does Toutou live?

    Monique Marko: In my mind.

    Coley Jones: Then I'll write to Toutou, care of the mind of Madame, er...

    Monique Marko: No. Because I also live in the mind of another...

    Coley Jones: Who's mind is that?

    Monique Marko: [she leaves without replying]

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Characters on The Poppy Is Also a Flower (1966)