Clemson Reade Quotes in Dream Wife (1953)


Clemson Reade Quotes:

  • Effie: Clem...

    Clemson Reade: [softly] What?

    Effie: I am afraid that we'll have to postpone the wedding till after the oil deal is signed.

    Clemson Reade: [alarmed] What?

    Effie: I don't see any other way. Truly I don't. There are so many things to get done. Meetings, conferences, reports, and all of them so urgent.

    Clemson Reade: So is our wedding.

    Effie: But I mean *really* urgent.

  • Clemson Reade: We haven't been able to make a definite plan since we met.

    Effie: Well, we went to Vermont for two weeks.

    Clemson Reade: Yes. Yes, that's right. To her grandfather's farm. For two wonderful relaxing weeks in glorious Vermont.

    Walter McBride: Tim'll be there in September.

    Clemson Reade: We spent *one* day there. She had to leave to take care of the crisis in Sahara; some of the sand was missing.

    Effie: Well, you stayed on.

    Clemson Reade: With grandfather. It wasn't the same thing.

  • Effie: [Pointing at a globe] Here is Bukistan.

    Clemson Reade: [mumbling] Oh, I know, I have been there.

    Effie: Here is the United States.

    Clemson Reade: [mumbling] Yes, yes, I have been there too.

    Effie: We have just *one* thing in common. Oil! Every plan we make for peace or war depends on that oil.

    Clemson Reade: 'That so?

    Effie: I don't have to tell you what happened in Iran. Half the free world had to learn how to pronounce the name Mosadegh.

    Clemson Reade: I still can't.

    Effie: The same thing is happening again, only this time there will a lot of new names to learn. And the only way to get that oil is to get those names on the dotted line.

  • Clemson Reade: Oh, I didn't mean that. What you are doing *is* important.

    Effie: But not as important as cooking your breakfast. You don't need me for that. You can buy it for a dollar an hour. We've been emancipated, Mr. Reade. Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony?

    Clemson Reade: Can she cook?

  • Mr. Brown: Mr Reade...

    Clemson Reade: Oh, good evening.

    Clemson Reade: I've been waiting to talk with you.

    Mr. Brown: Really? Anything wrong?

    Mr. Brown: Yes. It's about that, er, bearded gentleman.

    Clemson Reade: You mean our friendly skyscraper?

    Mr. Brown: He's been trying to buy our chambermaids!

    Clemson Reade: He has?

    Mr. Brown: Yes. He's been offering them positions in the Khan's harem.

    Clemson Reade: I hope he hasn't offended them.

    Mr. Brown: Offended them? Six of the girls have already accepted.

  • Clemson Reade: [as they walk toward the altar for their wedding] What can you expect from a woman? You're weak, helpless, and nothing but trouble. And that goes for all of you. Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote about slaves, didn't she? Well, it sure takes one to know one.

    Tarji: She great woman. She write Uncle Tom's Cabin.

    Clemson Reade: Susan B. Anthony...

    Tarji: Susan B. Anthony fight for woman's vote. And that not all. Carry Country...

    Clemson Reade: Carry Nation!

    Tarji: Carry Nation.

  • Clemson Reade: Gentlemen, I must say, I'm delighted to meet you... mustn't I?

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