Clayton Stone Quotes in Marooned (1969)


Clayton Stone Quotes:

  • Clayton Stone: Jesus, fifty-five minutes... We'll be pretty cold by then.

    Buzz Lloyd: Well, one of us's gonna have to go. I mean uh... that's what we're talkin' about, isnt it? One of us goes and the... other two stay. What... what are we gonna do?

    Clayton Stone: Alright look. Let's do this scientifically: two big guys throw the little guy out, okay?

  • Buzz Lloyd: [after being asked by Stone what he saw when a psychologist held up a blank sheet of paper during his astronaut acceptance boards] I saw a field covered with snow. And underneath was new oats. Then the snow melted and the field turned to green. But the psychologist said I was all wrong, it was just a blank sheet of paper.

    Clayton Stone: He took you anyway?

    Buzz Lloyd: Yeah, I guess they made a mistake.

    Clayton Stone: No, no, they don't make mistakes.

    Buzz Lloyd: That's right, I forgot. They don't make mistakes do they?

    [the entire crew begins to laugh at the irony]

  • Charles Keith: [attempting to contact the Apollo capsule, which has the call-sign "Ironman One"] Ironman, this is Keith. Ironman, this is Keith! Do you read me?

    Clayton Stone: [He's disconnected his oxygen hose and transferred it to Buzz. Now breathing only cabin air, which is very thin, he's becoming delirious due to lack of oxygen, and starts to ramble] Purpose... and objective...

    Charles Keith: [with more insistence] Ironman One, this is Keith. Do you read!

    Clayton Stone: Purpose and objective.

    Charles Keith: Ironman, this is Keith. Do you read me?

    Clayton Stone: [starts to giggle] Purpose... the acquisition of... of... data!

    Charles Keith: [sounding more impatient] Ironman, do you read me?

    Clayton Stone: [starts looking out the cabin window, sees the silhouette of the Russian Voskhod capsule approaching] No! Oh, God. Oh, God. How... beautiful.

    Clayton Stone: I'm beginning to see... visions...

    Charles Keith: Stoney, come in!

    Clayton Stone: ...of death. There you are...

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