Cindy Brady Quotes in The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)


Cindy Brady Quotes:

  • Marcia Brady: [in Jan's thought] But Jan, you don't have friends. You're just jealous Jan.

    [Jan wakes up, holds a pair of scissors like a knife, and starts to cut Marcia's hair]

    Cindy Brady: Jan, what are you doing?

    Jan Brady: Go back to sleep Cindy!

    Cindy Brady: Jan don't. Marcia's hair is so beautiful.

    Jan Brady: Exactly. That's why I'm gonna make alot of money when I sell it.

    [Jan continues to cut Marcia's hair]

    Jan Brady: [laughs psychotically]

    Cindy Brady: [Screams]

    [Carol and Alice come into the room]

    Carol Brady: Jan, what are you doing?

    [Marcia's got a new hairdo]

    Carol Brady: Oh Marcia, I love your hair!

    Alice: What a groovy hairdo!

    Cindy Brady: Oh, you're so beautiful!

    Jan Brady: No! She was supposed to look bad! No! No!

    [Jan wakes up]

    Jan Brady: What a horrible dream.

  • Mr Dittmeyer: Why don't you hop back on the Swiss Miss package where you belong huh?

    Cindy Brady: Okay!

  • Cindy Brady: [lisps] Mom asked me to ask you if there's any mail for us here by mistake.

    Mr. Dittmeyer: I don't understand you. What do you want?

    Cindy Brady: Mom asked me to ask you if there's any mail for us here by mistake.

    Mr. Dittmeyer: What?

    Cindy Brady: Mom asked me to ask you if there's any mail for us here by mistake.

    Mr. Dittmeyer: Nope, not a clue.

    Mrs. Dena Dittmeyer: She wants the Brady's' mail, Larry!

    Mr. Dittmeyer: Thank you, darling! So kind of you to climb out from under your hangover.

  • Carol Brady: Why don't you help Alice bake some cookies?

    Cindy Brady: Okay Mommy

    [talking to Alice]

    Cindy Brady: Can my doll help too?

    Alice: As long as it's not Betsy Wetsy. She makes my cookies soggy woggy.

  • [all the Brady kids and Alice are tied together by a staircase from Roy Martin, who left and kidnapped mom, they all think in their heads]

    Bobby Brady: If I had been a better detective, I would've been on Mr. Martin sooner. This is all my fault.

    Cindy Brady: If I wasn't too busy looking for my doll, I would've seen something suspicious. This is all my fault.

    Kitty Carry-all: I bet he wouldn't have tied me up if I was Barbie. This is all my fault.

    Peter Brady: What a dumb-head I am. I guess Roy was not much of a hero after all. This is all my fault.

    Alice: I must've not put enough mushrooms in his spaghetti sauce. This is all my fault.

    Greg Brady: Marcia looks great in those ropes... Wait a minute, what am I saying? This is all my fault!

    Jan Brady: It was wrong to make up George Glass. This is all my fault!

    Marcia: This is all Jan's fault.

  • Cindy Brady: You can't take my mommy!

    Marcia Brady: Cindy's right! Take Jan!

Browse more character quotes from The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
