Chun Li Quotes in Street Fighter (1994)


Chun Li Quotes:

  • Chun Li: [to Bison] It was twenty years ago. You hadn't promoted yourself to general yet. You were just a petty drug lord. Huh! You and your gang of murderers gathered your small ounce of courage to raid across the border for food... weapons...

    [indicates her binds]

    Chun Li: ... hmph. Slave labor. My father was the village magistrate. A simple man with a simple code: justice. He gathered the few people that he could to stand against you.


    Chun Li: You and your bullies were driven back by farmers with pitchforks! My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away! A hero... at a thousand paces.

    Bison: I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it.

    Chun Li: You don't remember?

    Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

  • Chun-Li: [reporting on GNT World News] Colonel Guile? Colonel Guile! Colonel Guile, Chung-Li Zang, GNT News. May we speak to you, please?

    Colonel Guile: No.

    Chun-Li: But don't you want to speak to the world audience?

    Colonel Guile: No, but I do want to talk to someone.

    [takes Chung-Li's microphone]

    Colonel Guile: That bastard Bison! I know you like to look at yourself on television, you sick son of a bitch. So look at this!

    [flips Bison off]

  • Chun Li: I spent the past ten years working in the media world, using it to gather intelligence on you. I found partners who hated you and your friends as much as I did. But most imporantly, I studied the martial arts of three continents, so that one day, I could meet you, avenge my father...

    [laughs, picks up a Newsweek]

    Chun Li: ... and end your reign of terror myself.

    Bison: [grabs Chung-Li, then laughs] I don't think so. You see, no one has ever seen you in combat. You always hid behind your sumo and your boxer. Why, since you entered this country, you never even threw a single punch. No, my dear. I know women... and you are harmless.

    Chun Li: [smiles] That's exactly what I wanted you to think. Yah-tah!

    [snaps her binds and attacks Bison furiously]

  • Chun-Li: [derisively referring to Cammy's hairstyle] Pigtails?

    Cammy: [referring to Chun Li's double hair buns] Well, look who's talking.

  • E. Honda: Watch your back, Li.

    Chun Li: Oh, I didn't know you cared.

    Balrog: We don't. You're the only one who can pay for our expense accounts.

  • Chun-Li: [reporting on GNT World News] This is Chung-Li Zang with GNT News. A.N. forces are consolidating their hold on Shadaloo City today after a night of skirmishing that secured this key Southeast Asian port. But these soldiers aren't celebrating just yet. They know that defeating the ragtag city militia is one thing. Defeating the heavily-armed forces of General M. Bison is quite another. The Allied Nations forces know that they are dealing with a power-mad dictator, a dictator whose drug money has equipped his army with high-tech weaponry which some intelligence experts fear is equal to anything in the industrialized world. It's been only twenty-four hours since this dangerous and unpredictable warlord seized sixty-three Allied Nations relief workers from a village north of here. This self-styled general's ransom demands? An astonishing twenty billion dollars! Meanwhile, the location of the sixty-three hostages remains unknown. Of the fifteen Allied Nations troops assigned to guard the missing relief workers, twelve are confirmed dead and three are missing. Their whereabouts? Also unknown.

  • Bison Computer Voice: Stand clear. Incubation chamber arriving to command room.

    Bison: [to the hostages] Behold, the face of your destruction, and of my victory!

    [the incubation chamber rises, Guile leaps out]

    Colonel Guile: [attacking Bison] Hai-ya!

    Chun-Li: Yes!

  • Chun-Li: Colonel Guile! How about that interview... for my network?

    Colonel Guile: Sure... but only if you wear that dress.

  • Chun-Li: [fighting with Cantana] Tell me about the White Rose.

    Cantana: You must be Daddy's little girl.

    Chun-Li: [Chun-Li breaks Cantana's arm. They fight until Chun-Li has Cantana's other arm trapped, ready to break it] Tell me!

    Cantana: It's a shipment. Arrives at the end of the month, the last Friday.

    Chun-Li: Where?

    Cantana: Central shipyards. Berth 21.

    Chun-Li: [Cantana's bodyguards are about to break in] I want you to send Bison a message. Tell him the schoolgirl's grown up.

  • Vega: [Chun-Li has cut Vega's face and has her foot pressed against his head] You think this is over?

    Chun-Li: No. I'm just getting started.

  • Chun-Li: [to Vega] No wonder you wear a mask.

  • Chun-Li: This walking mountain of muscle is called Sagat. He is a champion Muay Thai fighter and is considered a national hero in Thailand. Contestant number two is Balrog who's penchant for violent behavior got him permanently banned from boxing. From Spain we have Vega, he's savage, ruthless and a card-carrying psychopath.

  • Guile: Bison's ass is mine.

    Chun-Li: What do you mean, Captain?

    Guile: I don't need Interpol's or anyone else's help to take him out.

    Chun-Li: Hey, Brush-Head! This is not a request!

    Guile: [Dryly] You want Bison destroyed, don't you? So what's the problem?

  • Chun-Li: [shouts angrily at Guile] Hey, Brush-head! This is not a request!

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