Carnival Barker Quotes in Despicable Me (2010)


Carnival Barker Quotes:

  • Gru: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What was that? She hit that. I saw that with my own eyes.

    Carnival Barker: Well, you see that little spaceship there? You see how it's not knocked over? Do you know what that means, Professor? It means you don't get the unicorn! Aw. Uh-oh! Somebody's got a frowny face! Ooh. Better luck next time.

    [Agnes's eyes well up with tears and she looks at Gru]

    Gru: Okay... my turn.

    [Gru takes out a plasma gun and fires it, destroying the stand and disintegrating the spaceship]

    Gru: Knocked over!

  • Carnival Barker: We didn't lie to you folks. We told you we had living, breathing, monstrosities. You laughed at them, shuddered at them. And, yet, but for the accident of birth, you might be one as they are. They did not ask to be brought into the world. But, into the world they came. Their code is a law unto themselves: offend one and you offend them all.

  • Carnival Barker: And now folks, if you will just step this way, you are about to witness a most amazing, the most outstanding living monstrosity of all time.

    [Woman screams]

  • Carnival Barker: [First lines] Step right in! The Truth is here! Step right in and see! She will fill your thoughts, invade your dreams! See Naked Truth with your own eyes!

  • [opening lines]

    Carnival Barker: Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to behold a sight so strange, so horrifying, so utterly monstrous, that I urge you who are easily frightened or upset, who suffer from nervous disorders, weak hearts, or queasy stomachs, who experience nightmares, and any children under the age of 16, to forgo witnessing this exhibit. There are only two kinds of freaks ladies and gentlemen. Those created by God, and those made by man. The creature in this pit is a living breathing human being that once was... well, that's another story that happened a long time ago, a long way from here. Look if you must.

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