Burt Johnson Quotes in Arthur (1981)


Burt Johnson Quotes:

  • Burt Johnson: I don't drink because drinking affects your decision-making.

    Arthur: You may be right. I can't decide.

  • Burt Johnson: Hello, Arthur.

    Arthur: Hello, Mr. Johnson.

    Burt Johnson: I haven't seen much of you lately.

    Arthur: Well, the reason you haven't seen much of me is because I, I normally pick Susan up at her apartment in town. And you live here. Want a drink?

    Burt Johnson: I never drink. No one in my family ever drinks.

    Arthur: That's great! You probably never run out of ice your whole life!

  • Arthur: [pointing at a mounted moose on the wall] Where's the rest of this moose?

    Burt Johnson: Arthur, I think it's time we got to know one another.

    Arthur: I do too. That's why I had to come over today. Hmhmhmhm. This is a tough room.

    Arthur: [patting the moose] I don't have to tell you that.

    Arthur: You must've hated this moose.

    Burt Johnson: Why don't you forget the moose for a moment!

    Arthur: [looks at the moose; then, to Burt] Right.

  • Burt Johnson: [smiling broadly] When I was 11 years old, I KILLED a man.

    Arthur: Well, when you're 11 you probably don't even know there's a law against that. Is Susan here?

    Burt Johnson: I knew what I was doing. We were poor. He came into our house to steal our food.

    Arthur: Well, he was asking for it.

    Burt Johnson: I took a knife, and I killed him in the kitchen.

    Arthur: You, uh... probably ate out that night, what with that man lying in your kitchen.

    Burt Johnson: You seem to find humor in everything.

    Arthur: Yeah, sorry.

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