Brandi Web Quotes in A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (1996)


Brandi Web Quotes:

  • Brandi Web: You put your hands on the wrong woman.

  • Brandi Web: So tell me something, Darnell. You still the man? The main man? You know what you are? And I didn't think so. You're a dog. A mad dog, to be exact. And do you know what they do with mad dogs? I can't hear you.

    Darnell 'Deeny: No, what they do with mad dogs?

    Brandi Web: [pulls out a gun] They shoot mad dogs!

  • Brandi Web: I don't know what your selling... but I'm not buying.

  • Brandi Web: You can trust horses. They don't let you down. People always let you down. Especially men.

  • Brandi Web: I'm not going to shoot you. Not for myself, no. I'm going to shoot you for all women.

  • Brandi Web: You know, a man just comes along and he buys us off a shelf. Then he plays. Plays with us until he thinks we're no longer fun. Or until he gets us all dirty, right? Then he just wants to throw us away.

  • Tee: How you doing, baby?

    Brandi Web: [coldly] "How am I doing, baby?" I'm not your baby.

    Tee: Excuse me. Most men would have called you stuck up, looking all like a Barbie doll.

    Darnell 'Deeny: [narrating] And that was it. The moment that changed my entire life.

    Darnell 'Deeny: [running up to Brandi] Excuse me, excuse me. Hey, um...

    Brandi Web: [glaring at Tee] That's no way to talk to a lady!

    Tee: [mockingly] Oh, Madame...

    Darnell 'Deeny: Look, he didn't mean anything by it. He didn't mean it.

    Tee: [rudely] Yes, I did!

    Darnell 'Deeny: I'm sorry, it's just that he was dropped on his head as a baby and he's been a little rattled ever since.

    Brandi Web: I see. Well, perhaps I should arrange for him to fall on his head again so he can get unrattled.

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Characters on A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (1996)