Bosco Quotes in The Voices (2014)


Bosco Quotes:

  • Bosco: Hey Jerry?

    Jerry Hickfang: Yeah?

    Bosco: You remember last week when you said that there was an invisible line that separates good from evil and you'd thought you crossed it and I said no no no you're a good boy?

    Jerry Hickfang: Yeah I remember, so what?

    Bosco: I've changed my opinion.

  • Bosco: What's the matter, buddy?

    Jerry Hickfang: What am I supposed to do?

    Bosco: I do not know.

    Mr. Whiskers: The same as always, pretend everything's fine.

    Jerry Hickfang: Really?

    Mr. Whiskers: Well, it got you this far, didn't it?

    Jerry Hickfang: I guess so.

  • Marmaduke: Out here, the dog park is like high school for dogs. You got you're jocks and you're cheerleaders.

    [cheerleader dog gets hit by a freebie: Freebie!]

    Marmaduke: you're drama geeks.

    [a cop pretends to shoot two dogs: Bang bang! they fall over. a dog in a hand bag: I've been in this for so long I can't feel my legs]

    Marmaduke: And you're bully's, the pedigrees.

    Bosco: Check out those ears, can you even fly with those things all what?

    [Thunder and Lighting laugh]

    Marmaduke: You think my ears are too big?

    Carlos: Those things are huge. Do friends fly free?

  • Bosco: And when you see the J-Man, you tell him, "Bosco says we're even." And up your ass with Mobil Gas.

  • Bosco: Tim?

    Tim Dingman: Yeah.

    Bosco: Tim?

    Tim Dingman: Yeah.

    Bosco: You're Tim?

    Tim Dingman: Yeah I'm Tim.

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Characters on The Voices (2014)