Bob Bolaño Quotes in War on Everyone (2016)


Bob Bolaño Quotes:

  • Bob Bolaño: They have something called a Blue Lagoon here. It's a hot spa. It's outdoors.

    Terry Monroe: It's probably full of sweaty Europeans with bad teeth fucking each other. You'd be swimming around in jizz. European jizz. That's one of the first movies I ever saw, actually.

    Bob Bolaño: European Jizz?

    Terry Monroe: The Blue Lagoon.

  • Bob Bolaño: I've never killed anybody before.

    Terry Monroe: Well neither have I.

    Bob Bolaño: You know what they say - always be open to new experiences.

  • Bob Bolaño: D'you think it is easy looking after a kid? I mean I got two of 'em and it's not easy let me tell you. I mean yeah, OK I love 'em but I gotta feed 'em 24hrs a day. Those little fat *^"&s... it's hard work!

  • Bob Bolaño: Why don't we just throw him off the roof?

    Terry Monroe: Huh?

    Bob Bolaño: I'm kidding. It's a bad joke.

  • Lord James Mangan: How much is this going to cost me?

    Bob Bolaño: It's going to cost you your life.

    Lord James Mangan: Nice line.

  • Bob Bolaño: He called me a 'wet back'! He knows damn well I was born here. He is a big fat racist pig is what he is.

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