Blindman Quotes in Top Secret! (1984)


Blindman Quotes:

  • Hillary Flammond: Who do you favor in the Virginia Slims tournament?

    Blindman: In women's tennis, I always root against the heterosexual.

  • Agent Cedric: [sidling up to Blindman] Know any good white basketball players?

    Blindman: There are no good white basketball players.

  • Agent Cedric: Wait. You dropped your phony dog poo.

    Blindman: What phony dog poo?

  • Blindman: Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks. Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks.

  • Blindman: Here, smell this flower. It never fails to amuse at parties.

  • Blindman: What kind of a son of a bitch puts a snake in a man's salad?

  • Blindman: Every night I kneel down and I say my prayers. And every night I ask the good lord 'lord-who are my friends?', and you know something? Every night he don't answer.

  • Blindman: [Blindman is in the cemetery facing off against Domingo] Domingo. I wish you no harm. But that all of your teeth fall out. Except for one. And with that one you have a toothache for the rest of your life.

  • Blindman: When a woman has you by the short hairs, you're done, man; finished!

  • Blindman: To be blind is a half a man; to be blind, with no money, now that's a bitch.

  • Blindman: Well Sweet mama, the sun don't shine on the same dogs ass all the time.

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