Black Bart Quotes in The Sword in the Stone (1963)


Black Bart Quotes:

  • Sir Ector: [after putting the sword back in the stone after Wart pulled it] Alright, boy, let's have the miracle.

    [Wart goes up to the sword to pull it out of the stone again]

    Kay: [grabs Wart's arm and shoves him away] Now, wait a minute! Anyone can pull it once it's been pulled!

    [tries to pull the sword but can't]

    Sir Ector: Go to it, Kay. Give it all you got. Put your back into it!

    [helps Kay]

    Sir Ector: [Three other knights come in and try to pull out the sword as well]

    Black Bart: Now hold on. That's not fair.

    Sir Pelinore: I say we let the boy try it.

    Black Bart: That's what I say. Give the boy a chance.

    Sir Pelinore: Go ahead, son.

    [Wart walks back up to the sword. The miracle light appears over the stone just when he pulls the sword from the stone successfully]

    Sir Pelinore: It's a miracle ordained by Heaven. This boy is our king.

    Sir Ector: Well, by Jove.

    Black Bart: What's the lad's name?

    Sir Ector: Eh, Wart... Oh, I mean Arthur.

    Black Bart: Hail, King Arthur!

    Crowd: Hail, King Arthur! Long live the king!

    Archimedes the Owl: [chuckles] I can't believe it!

    Sir Ector: [bows to Arthur] Oh, forgive me, son. Forgive me.

    Arthur: Oh, please don't, sir.

    Sir Ector: Kay! Bow to your king!

    [Kay bows]

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Characters on The Sword in the Stone (1963)