Big John Quotes in Days of Thunder (1990)


Big John Quotes:

  • Big John: If you two wanna turn yourselves into a greasy spot on a country road somewhere, go right ahead. I don't give a shit and I don't think anybody else does, regardless what they say to your face. But you two monkeys are not going to do it on my racetrack. Now y'all heard of a "Japanese Inspection?" Japanese Inpsection, you see, when the Japs get in a load of lettuce they're not sure they wanna let in the country, why they'll just let it sit there on the dock 'til they get good and ready to look at. But then of course, it's all gone rotten... ain't nothing left to inspect. You see, lettuce is a perishable item... like you two monkeys. You trade paint one more time, you so much as touch, I'm gonna Black Flag the two of you, and take apart your racecars for three-hundred laps. Then, if you pass inspection and you put your cars back together, I might let you back into the race. Now, just to show there's no hard feelings we're all gonna go out to dinner together.

    Cole Trickle: Well, I've got other plans.

    Rowdy Burns: Yeah, so do I!

    Big John: Well, you're gonna have to change them. And not only that you two are gonna drive to dinner together.

  • Big John: You're late.

    Cole Trickle: We, uh, had, car trouble.

    Big John: What kind of car trouble?

    Cole Trickle: Uhhhhh...

    Rowdy Burns: I believe it was the radiator. Wasn't it, Cole?


    Cole Trickle: Yes, Rowdy, I believe it was.

    [returns grin]

  • Big John: If you butt into our game on your own, you're liable to be snuffin' a lily, get me?

  • Big John: You dirty rat!

  • Big John: You Eddie Felson.

    Fast Eddie: Who's he?

    Big John: What's your game? Whaddaya shoot?

    Fast Eddie: You name it, we shoot it.

    Big John: Look, friend, I'm not trying to hustle. I don't never hustle people that walk in a poolroom with leather satchels. Don't try to hustle me.

    Fast Eddie: Okay, I'm Eddie Felson. I shoot straight pool.

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