Baymax Quotes in Big Hero 6 (2014)


Baymax Quotes:

  • Baymax: [upon fist-bumping] : Balalalala

  • Baymax: [to Hiro, who's stuck and buried under a pile of action figures] On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?

    Hiro: [irritated] Zero.

    Baymax: It is alright to cry.

    Hiro: No! No, no, no, no, no!

    Baymax: [picks up Hiro and holds him like a baby] Crying is a natural response to pain.

    Hiro: [jumps out of Baymax's arms] I'm not crying.

    Baymax: I will scan you for injuries.

    Hiro: [firmly] DON'T scan me.

    Baymax: Scan complete.

    Hiro: Unbelievable.

    Baymax: You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings, common in adolescence. Diagnosis: puberty.

    Hiro: [surprised] Whoa, what?

  • Baymax: [Hiro is trying to get him to run] I am not fast.

  • Baymax: [approaches Hiro after activating in his bedroom] Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.

    Hiro: [surprised] Uh, hey... Bay-Baymax, I didn't know you were still... active.

    Baymax: I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?

    Hiro: Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.

    Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?

    Hiro: A zero? I'm-I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.

    Baymax: Does it hurt when I touch it?

    [He reaches down to touch Hiro's foot]

    Hiro: No, no, no, that's okay. No touching. I'm fine...

    [Hiro trips over a toolbox and falls backwards into the space between his bed and his desk. He tries to squeeze out but realizes he's stuck]

    Baymax: You have fallen.

    Hiro: [annoyed] Ya think?

  • [repeated lines]

    Baymax: Tadashi is here.

  • Baymax: [upon looking at how his new armor fits over his rather round belly] I have some concerns.

  • Baymax: Flying makes me a better care provider.

  • Hiro: Okay. If my aunt asks, we were at school all day. Got it?

    Baymax: [loudly] We jumped out a window!

    Hiro: No! Quiet! Shhh!

    Baymax: [whispering] Shhh! We jumped out a window!

    Hiro: You can't say things like that around Aunt Cass. Shhh!

    Baymax: Shhh!

    [Hiro walks up the stairs. Baymax tries to follow and faceplants on the first step, then pops back up]

    Baymax: Shhh!

    Cass: Hiro? You home, sweetie?

    Hiro: Uh, that's right.

    Cass: I thought I heard you. Hi.

    Hiro: [casually] H-Hey, Aunt Cass.

    Cass: Oh, look at my little college man. Oh, I can't wait to hear all about it! Oh, and wings are almost ready.

    Baymax: Weeee!

    Hiro: [whispers] Will you be quiet!

    Cass: Yeah, weeee! Weeooh!

    [as Hiro desperately tries to push Baymax upstairs, unseen]

    Cass: All right, get ready to have your face melted! You are gonna feel these things tomorrow, you know what I'm saying? Okay, sit down, tell me everything.

    [She turns around and Hiro's not there]

    Hiro: [hurrying back down the stairs] Um, the thing is, since I registered so late, I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.

    [Loud thud]

    Cass: What was that?

    Hiro: Mochi. Ooh, that darn cat!

    [notices Mochi rubbing up against his legs]

    Cass: Well, at least take a plate for the road, okay?

    [Hiro quickly tosses Mochi into his room]

    Cass: Don't work too hard.

    Hiro: Thanks for understanding.

    Baymax: [petting Mochi] Hairy baby! Hairy baaaby!

    Hiro: All right, come on.

    Baymax: Health care, your pers... personal Baymax companion.

    Hiro: One foot in front of the other.

    [Baymax tries to step into his charger, and keeps missing the step]

  • [repeated line]

    Baymax: Oh, no.

  • Hiro: [as toys slide off a shelf and hit him on his head] Ow!

    Baymax: On a scale of 1 to...

    Hiro: Ow!

    Baymax: On a scale...

    Hiro: Ah!

    Baymax: On a sca...

    Hiro: Oh!

    Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10...

    Hiro: Ohhh!

    Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

    Hiro: Ahem, zero.

  • [Hiro talking to his friends about Yokai]

    Hiro: I don't know... We don't know anything about him.

    Baymax: His blood type is AB negative, Cholesterol levels are...

    Hiro: Baymax, you scanned him?

    Baymax: I am programmed to assess everyone's health care needs.

    Hiro: YES, I can use the data from your scan to find him!

  • Hiro: Actually, if we're going to catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you.

    Wasabi: Upgrade who now?

    Baymax: Those that suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones.

    Fred: [laughs excitedly] Oh-ho yeah, I like where this is heading...

    Wasabi: We can't go up against that guy! We're nerds!

    Honey Lemon: Hiro, we want to help, but we're just... us.

    Hiro: No. You can be WAY more!

  • Baymax: [to Hiro] On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?

    Hiro: Physical?

    [He glares at Tadashi]

    Hiro: Or emotional?

  • Hiro: [feeling Baymax's exterior] Vinyl?

    Tadashi: Yeah. I'm going for a non-threatening... huggable kinda thing.

    Hiro: [amused] Looks like a walking marshmallow.

    [to Baymax]

    Hiro: No offense.

    Baymax: I am a robot. I cannot be offended.

  • Wasabi: [seeing 'quarantine' sign on fencepost] Quarantine? Do you guys know what quarantine means?

    Baymax: [defining] Quarantine: Enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to injury, or in some cases, death.

    Wasabi: Oh, and uh, this one has a skull face on it. A SKULL FACE!

  • Hiro: It's over, Krei.

    [Without his mask, Yokai stands up and turns around to Hiro, revealing he is Callaghan]

    Hiro: [shocked] P-Professor Callaghan? The explosion... you died.

    Robert Callaghan: No. I had your microbots.

    [a flashback shows Callaghan using Hiro's microbots to protect himself from the fire earlier in the film]

    Hiro: But... Tadashi... You just let him die...

    Robert Callaghan: Give me the mask, Hiro.

    Hiro: He went in there to SAVE you!

    Robert Callaghan: That was HIS mistake!

    [Baymax comes over to Hiro, who is feeling betrayed and angry]

    Hiro: [indicating Callaghan, darkly] Baymax... destroy!

    [Callaghan looks at Baymax and Hiro, horrified]

    Baymax: My programming prevents me from injuring a human being.

    Hiro: Not anymore.

    [Hiro opens Baymax's access port, removing Tadashi's health care disc and leaving only the fighting disc]

    Baymax: Hiro, this is not what...

    [Hiro slams the access port closed, Baymax's eyes turn red]

    Hiro: Do it, Baymax! Destroy him!

  • Baymax: [appears behind Hiro] Hiro?

    Hiro: [screams, then sees who it is] You gave me a heart attack!

    Baymax: [rubs his hands together] My hands are equipped with defibrillators.

    [He moves his hands toward Hiro]

    Baymax: Clear.

    Hiro: [alarmed] STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP! It's just an expression!

  • Baymax: Excuse me while I let out some air.

  • Hiro: It's over, Krei.

    [Without his mask, Yokai stands up and turns around to Hiro, revealing he is Callaghan]

    Hiro: Pro... Professor Callaghan? The explosion... you died.

    Robert Callaghan: No. I had your microbots.

    [a flashback shows Callaghan using Hiro's microbots to protect himself from the fire earlier in the film]

    Hiro: But... Tadashi... You just let him die...

    Robert Callaghan: Give me the mask, Hiro.

    Hiro: He went in there and saved you...!

    Robert Callaghan: That was his mistake!

    [Baymax then comes over to Hiro, who is betrayed and angry]

    Hiro: Baymax... destroy.

    Baymax: My programming prevents me from injuring a human being.

    Hiro: Not anymore.

    [Hiro opens Baymax's cartridge, removing Tadashi's health care cartridge chip]

    Baymax: Hiro, this is not what...

    [Hiro slams his fist on the cartridge, leaving his own destructive cartridge chip in his system, making him rogue]

    Hiro: Do it, Baymax! Destroy him!

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