Baylene Quotes in Dinosaur (2000)


Baylene Quotes:

  • Aladar: [despairing] We're not meant to survive.

    Baylene: Oh, yes we were! We're *here*, aren't we? And how dare you waste that good fortune by simply giving up? Shame on you. Shame on you, shame on you! The worst of it is, you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed, that I still had a purpose... and do you know what? You were right. And I'm going to go on believing it. And I, for one, am not willing to die here!

  • Baylene: Oh, joy. Blisters!

    Eema: I got blisters ON my blisters.

    Yar: You don't wanna know where *I* got blisters...

  • Baylene: Oh, Eema! I wish we were at your nesting grounds now! All this pushing and shoving about, just for a place to sleep! I'm not used to this kind of behavior.

    Eema: Baylene, you've got big feet, just give 'em a kick!

    [Shoves a smaller animal]

    Eema: GET!

    Baylene: Oh, I couldn't possibly... eh, shoo! Shoo!

    Eema: Would you come on, Baylene? If you wanna get to the nesting grounds alive, show some backbone!

    Aladar: Hey there!

    Eema: Ahhh!

  • Aladar: [after spooking Eema] Oh... sorry about that. It's just that, we overheard you talking and, um...

    [Url drops a rock enthusiastically at his feet, Aladar looks confused]

    Eema: Well, my word. Look at Url. He doesn't normally warm up to strangers so fast.

    Baylene: [Sniffing the lemurs on Aladar's back] What an unfortunate blemish.

    Eema: A good mud bath'll clear those right up.

    Yar: *Excuse* me?

    [Eema jumps back, appalled]

  • Baylene: Oh, my goodness. It looks like a very long walk.

    Eema: And hot! If you smell somethin' sizzlin', could be me!

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Characters on Dinosaur (2000)